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  • Title

    Law and mechanism of surface movement and deformation above shallow longwall abandoned gob under building load

  • 作者

    陈绍杰祝伟豪汪 锋尹大伟任梦梓ВАРНАВСКИЙКИРИЛЛ

  • Author

    CHEN Shaojie,ZHU Weihao,WANG Feng,YIN Dawei,REN Mengzi,VARNAVSKIY Kirill

  • 单位

    山东科技大学 能源与矿业工程学院山东科技大学 矿山灾害预防控制省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地东北大学 资源与土木工程学院库兹巴斯国立技术大学 矿业工程学院

  • Organization
    1.College of Energy and Mining Engineering,Shandong University of Science and Technology;2.State Key Laboratory of Mining Disaster Prevention and Control Co⁃founded by Shandong Province and the Ministry of Science and Technology,Shandong University of Science and Technology;3.School of Resources and Civil Engineering,Northeastern University;4.College of Mining Engineering, T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University
  • 摘要

    针对采煤塌陷地新建建筑物时老采空区覆岩活化运动导致地表移动变形并威胁建筑物安 全的问题现场勘测和物理模拟分析了浅埋长壁老采空区覆岩长期状态数值模拟研究了建筑荷载 作用下浅埋长壁老采空区地表移动变形规律探讨了建筑荷载作用下浅埋长壁老采空区地表移动 变形机理。 研究结果表明:采空区边界覆岩不稳定区域在采空区封闭后长期存在;相似物理模拟实 验中煤柱长期承载失稳破坏后煤柱支承区高度增加宽度增加了 32.5%矸石压缩区高度增加、 宽度增加了 80.4%煤壁支承区高度增加宽度增加了 67.2%侧向裂隙区高度增加宽度减小了 23.3%。 当新建建筑物位置不变时随着荷载的增加地表移动变形量和范围也增加。 各加载位置 中侧向裂隙区地表新建建筑物导致地表移动变形量突增的荷载阈值最小建筑物高度阈值为 18 与建筑物高度 12 层时相比地表最大下沉量增幅为 91.4%地表最大水平移动量增幅为62.1%。 当新建建筑物位于侧向裂隙区上方时由于侧向裂隙区内部不稳定结构多且建筑荷载下侧向裂隙 区中关键块出现回转和滑落失稳覆岩下沉量大此时地表移动变形量最大;当新建建筑物位于煤 柱支承区上方时煤柱在建筑荷载作用下继续产生塑性变形覆岩下沉量较小此时地表移动变形 值次之;当建筑荷载作用于煤壁支承区时煤壁在建筑荷载作用下继续产生压缩变形覆岩下沉量 小此时地表移动变形值较小;当建筑荷载作用于矸石压缩区时覆岩下沉量小老采空区垮落矸石 在建筑荷载作用下发生二次承载压缩变形此时地表移动变形值最小。 建筑荷载宽度增加初期地 表最大移动变形量呈加速增长趋势当建筑荷载宽度大于 50 m 地表最大移动变形量呈减速增 长趋势。 当建筑荷载附加应力对老采空区覆岩承载结构造成影响时老采空地表产生移动变形;当 建筑荷载传递至关键块的载荷超过关键块回转失稳或滑落失稳的临界载荷时老采空区地表移动 变形产生突变

  • Abstract
    In order to solve the problem that the activation movement of overlying strata above the abandoned gob cau⁃ ses surface movement and deformation and then threatens the safety of buildings when new buildings are built in coal⁃mining induced subsidence land,the long⁃term state of shallow longwall abandoned gob overlying strata is ana⁃ lyzed through field observation and physical simulation. The surface movement and deformation law of shallow longwall abandoned gob under building load is studied by numerical simulation,and the mechanism of surface movement and deformation of shallow longwall abandoned gob under building load is investigated. The research results show that the overlying strata unstable zones at the gob boundary exist for a long time after the gob is closed. In the physical simulation experiment,after the destabilization damage of the coal pillar between the shallow longwall aban⁃ doned gob,the height of the coal pillar support zones increases,and the width increases by 32.5%. The height of the gangue compression zones increases,and the width increases by 80.4%,the height of the coal wall support zones increases,and the width increases by 67.2%,and the height of the strata separation zones increases,and the width de⁃ creases by 23.3%. When the location of the new building does not change,the amount and extent of surface movement and deformation increase with the increase of loading. Among the loading locations,the load threshold for the sudden increase of surface movement and deformation due to the new building in the strata separation zones surface is the smallest,and the load threshold is 18 stories. The maximum increase of surface subsidence is 91.4% and the maxi⁃ mum horizontal movement of the surface is 62.1% compared with the building height of 12 stories. When the new building is located above the strata separation zones,the subsidence of overlying strata is large,and the amount of sur⁃ face movement and deformation is the largest because there are many unstable structures inside the strata separation zones,and the key blocks in the strata separation zones under the building load appear rotary and slip instability. When the new building is located above the coal pillar supporting zones,the coal pillar continues to produce plastic deformation under the construction load. The subsidence of overlying strata is small,and the amount of surface movement and deformation is the second largest. When the construction load acts on the coal wall supporting zones,the coal wall continues to produce compression deformation under the action of construction load. The subsid⁃ ence of overlying strata is small,and the amount of surface movement and deformation is smaller. When the construc⁃ tion load acts on the gangue compression zones,the collapse gangue in the abandoned gob under the action of construc⁃ tion load will be subjected to secondary bearing compression deformation. The subsidence of overlying strata is small, and the amount of surface movement and deformation is the smallest. At the early stage of building load width increase,the maximum movement and deformation of the surface shows an accelerating growth trend. When the width of the building load is greater than 50 m, the maximum movement deformation of the surface shows a decelerating growth trend. When the additional stress of the building load affects the load⁃bearing structure of overlying strata,the abandoned gob surface produces movement and deformation. When the building load transferred to the key block exceeds the critical load of key block rotary instability or slip instability, there will be a sudden change in the movement and deformation of abandoned gob surface.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal⁃mining induced subsidence land;building;abandoned gob;load⁃bearing structure;surface movement and deformation

  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    CHEN Shaojie,ZHU Weihao,WANG Feng,et al.Law and mechanism of surface movement and deformation above shallow longwall abandoned gob under building load[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(12): 4403-4416.
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