• 全部
  • Title

    Progress and application of intelligent fluid supply technology in working face

  • 作者

    李 然刘 波 王大龙陈敬斌王统诚周如林王剑强赵康康于远征秦怀新刘明亮王 超

  • Author

    LI Ran , LIU Bo , WANG Dalong , CHEN Jingbin , WANG Tongcheng , ZHOU Rulin , WANG Jianqiang , ZHAO Kangkang , YU Yuanzheng , QIN Huaixin , LIU Mingliang , WANG Chao

  • 单位

    北京天玛智控科技股份有限公司中国矿业大学(北京) 机电与信息工程学院

  • Organization
    Beijing Tianma Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd.
    School of Mechanical Electronic & Information Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology−Beijing
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Intelligent fluid supply technology in working face is one of the core technologies of intelligent mining. In order to solve the requirements of high data transmission rate, high transmission stability and high data processing ability in the intelligent work face, a centralized-distributed emulsion station control system based on the 100 megabit industrial Ethernet was developed, fault prediction and health management technology and intelligent on-demand liquid supply control technology were studied, which improves intelligent control function, and the development demand of the working media quality assurance technology of the work face hydraulic system was analyzed, and key technologies such as underground integrated reverse osmosis (RO) water treatment technology, high-efficiency multi-stage filtration technology, fully automated emulsion automatic ratio and concentration correction technology and other key technologies were innovated. In order to overcome the key technical problems such as high-strength corrosion-resistant materials, reliability technology of the suction and discharge valves under pure water medium and pure water resistivity assurance technology, the development of intelligent fluid supply system under pure water condition has promoted the development of green mining technology. The core technical problems such as unattended intelligent safety control technology, timely and rapid liquid supply and return relay technology, integrated multi-parameter safety monitoring of long-distance supply pipeline technology with integrated multi parameter monitoring have been overcome, and the problems of remote safe and efficient liquid supply in mines with complex geological conditions have been solved.. This achievement has been popularized and applied in the fully mechanized mining and fully mechanized caving working faces of thin and medium thick coal seams in Shendong Mining Area of National Energy Group, Shanxi Mining Area of China Coal Energy Group, and Yankuang Mining Area of Shandong Energy Group, meeting the demand for liquid supply technology and equipment in the development of intelligent mining at this stage.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    intelligent mining;intelligent fluid supply technology;intelligent control;fault prediction and health management;pure water supply technology;long-distance fluid supply technology

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李 然,刘 波,王大龙,等. 工作面智能供液技术进展与应用[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2022,50(12):247−253
  • Citation
    LI Ran,LIU Bo,WANG Dalong,et al. Progress and application of intelligent fluid supply technology in working face[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2022,50(12):247−253
  • 图表
    • 网络型控制系统架构

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