• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress of resource utilization technologies for desulfurizationwastewater in coal-fired power plants

  • 作者


  • Author

    HUANG Kailong;YANG Qing;PAN Henan;ZUO Yilin;XU Ke;ZHANG Xuxiang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of Environment, Nanjing University
    Huaneng Jiangsu Energy Development Co., Ltd.
    Nanjing Jiangdao Institute of Environmental Research Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    脱硫废水低碳资源化利用是推动燃煤电力行业废水零排放、实现经济收益与环境保护相向而行的关键。 本文在分析脱硫废水水质特征的基础上,概述了燃煤电厂脱硫废水资源化利用模式与技术的发展进程,系统阐述了脱硫废水资源化技术类别、技术原理、技术特点及适用性,评估了典型应用案例的应用效果与经济性,并展望了脱硫废水资源化利用方向。 脱硫废水资源化技术经历了高盐水资源化、低盐水资源化以及分质资源化 3 个阶段,现行分质资源化技术主要包括化学沉淀分质、膜分质和热蒸发分质;相对而言,膜分质技术的水质适应性更强,资源化产品更丰富,能耗药耗更低,是脱硫废水低碳资源化的有效手段;基于膜分质资源化的脱硫废水零排放工艺具有技术与经济可行性,其中纳滤与离子交换电渗析耦合的膜分质资源化技术,在减少预处理药剂与降低系统运行成本方面具有显著优势;选择性" 离子交换膜" 是脱硫废水低碳资源化与零排放的瓶颈,开发低成本、高效率、耐污染的膜材料是未来的研究重点。
  • Abstract
    The low-carbon resource utilization of desulfurization wastewater is the key to promoting zeroliquid discharge of wastewater in the coal-fired power industry, realizing economic benefits and envi⁃ronmental protection. Based on the analysis of the water quality characteristics of desulfurizationwastewater, this paper summarizes the development process of resource utilization mode andtechnologies for desulfurization wastewater in coal-fired power plants, systematically expounds the tech⁃nical categories, technical principles, technical characteristics and applicability of desulfurizationwastewater resource utilization technologies, evaluates the application effect and economy of typical ap⁃plication cases and prospects the direction of resource utilization of desulfurization wastewater. The a⁃nalysis shows that the desulfurization wastewater has experienced three stages: high salt-concentrationwater resource utilization, low salt-concentration water resource utilization and salt separation resourceutilization. The current salt separation resource utilization technology mainly includes chemical precipi⁃tation, membrane and thermal evaporation. Relatively speaking,membrane technology is an effectivemeans of low-carbon resource utilization of desulphurization wastewater since extensive water quality a⁃daptability, abundant resource products, lower energy consumption and drug consumption. The feasibil⁃ity and economics of the zero liquid discharge process route for desulfurization wastewater membrane re⁃source utilization have been analyzed and evaluated, which shows that the membrane technologycoupled with nanofiltration and ion exchange electrodialysis has significant advantages in reducing thecost of pretreatment chemicals and system operation cost. However, the selective " ion exchange mem⁃brane" is the bottleneck of low-carbon resource utilization and zero liquid discharge of desulfurizationwastewater, the development of low-cost, high-efficiency and pollution-resistant membrane materialsis the focus of future research.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Coal - fired power plant; Desulphurization wastewater; Zero liquid discharge; Saltseparation technique; Resource utilization

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFC3901301);国家自然科学基金项目(52100082);江苏省重点研发计划( 社会发展) ( BE2020686,BE2022837)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    黄开龙, 杨庆, 潘赫男, 等. 燃煤电厂脱硫废水资源化技术研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(1):157-166.
  • Citation
    HUANG Kailong, YANG Qing, PAN Henan, et al. Research progress of resource utilization technologies for des⁃ulfurization wastewater in coal-fired power plants[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(1): 157-166.
  • 相关专题

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