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  • Title

    One dimensional design of small capacity supercritical CO2 coal fired power generation system and analysis of regenerator compactness

  • 作者


  • Author

    XU Jinliang,TIAN He,SUN Enhui,CHANG Cheng,GUO Yuandong,WANG Zhaofu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy,Power and Mechanical Engineering,North China Electric Power University;Beijing Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer for Low Grade Energy Utilization,North China Electric Power University
  • 摘要

    超临界二氧化碳(S-CO2)循环因其高效紧凑灵活的优势有望成为新一代发电动力循 环。 选用三压缩末级部分压缩的循环结构将其应用到 20 MW S-CO燃煤发电系统中并对发电 系统的关键部件进行一维设计。 设计结果表明透平和压缩机尺寸整体较小尺寸优势明显相比 水机组具备明显的竞争力;基于不同容量锅炉的体积变化规律合理推断由于炉内 CO工质换热系 数较小使得 S-CO锅炉相比水机组锅炉体积有所增加;基于印刷电路板换热器的回热系统占地较 大在本文设计条件下回热器总体积约为 18.95 m远超现有水机组回热器总体积问题显著。 因 此进一步从回热器换热效果角度探究了回热系统特性讨论了现有技术面临的困难与瓶颈发现 循环热效率与回热系统体积存在着较强的制约关系进而对回热系统进行了成本分析在考虑基础 建设费及人工费后回热系统的投资成本约为 9 347.47 万元初始投资成本较高。 同时发现印刷 电路板换热器在缩小回热系统体积方面的潜力有限因此仍需研发新的换热器形式实现换热系数 的量级性提升。 最后针对回热系统体积问题提出了 S-CO燃煤发电系统的一体化布置方案通 过空间布置的优化实现了系统的整体紧凑性。 我国正在推进中等容量 S-CO燃煤发电系统示范, 此项研究为示范电站建设提供了新的技术思路

  • Abstract

    Supercritical CO2(S-CO2)cycle is expected to be the next generation power cycle for electricity generation because of its high efficiency,compactness and flexibility. In this study,a tri⁃compression with last⁃stage partial com⁃ pression S-CO2 cycle was applied to a 20 MW S-CO2 coal⁃fired power generation system,and the one⁃dimensional de⁃ signs of components were conducted. It is shown that the size of turbine is significant smaller than that of the tradition⁃ al steam turbine,thus it has obvious competitiveness compared with the water steam unit. Based on the volume change law of boilers with different capacities,it is reasonably inferred that the volume of S-CO2 boiler is larger than the steam boiler due to the smaller heat transfer coefficient of the CO2 in the boiler. The regeneration system based on the prin⁃ ted circuit heat exchanger covers a large area with a volume around 18.95 m3,which is far more than the existing re⁃ generation system of the water steam unit and the problem is significant. Therefore, this study further explored the characteristics of the regeneration system from the perspective of the heat transfer of the regeneration, discussed the difficulties faced by the existing technology,and found that there is a strong constraint relationship be⁃ tween the cycle thermal efficiency and the volume of the regeneration system,and then conducted an economic analysis of the regeneration system. After considering the infrastructure and labor costs,the investment cost of the regeneration system is about 93 474 700 yuan,which is a high initial investment cost. It was also found that the printed circuit heat exchanger has limited potential to reduce the size of the regeneration system, thus new heat exchanger types still need to be developed to increase the magnitude in heat transfer coefficient. Finally,to address the size problem of the regeneration system,this study proposed an integrated arrangement scheme for the S-CO2 coal⁃fired power gen⁃ eration system, which achieves the overall compactness of the system by optimizing the space arrangement. Currently,the demonstration of S - CO2 coal⁃fired power plants is promoted in China, and this research provides some novel technical ideas for the demonstration system.

  • 关键词

    超临界二氧化碳燃煤发电S-CO2 循环系统一维设计回热系统成本分析

  • KeyWords

    S-CO2;coal⁃fired power plant; S-CO2 cycle; one⁃dimensional design; regeneration system; cost analysis

  • 文章目录

    1 末级部分压缩S-CO2燃煤发电系统

       1.1 系统流程

       1.2 循环热力学特性

    2 末级部分压缩S-CO2燃煤发电系统一维设计

       2.1 锅炉与旋转机械一维设计

       2.2 回热器一维设计

       2.3 一维设计结果分析

    3 基于印刷电路板换热器面临的紧凑性困境

       3.1 回热系统体积分析

       3.2 回热系统成本分析

       3.3 回热系统的紧凑性潜力

       3.4 机炉一体化布置方案

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    XU Jinliang,TIAN He,SUN Enhui,et al.One dimensional design of small capacity supercritical CO2 coal fired power generation system and analysis of regenerator compactness [J].Journal of China Coal Society, 2023, 48(1):438-451.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
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