Relationships between mining overburden rock and surface subidence and its application to estimate bed separation
CUI Ximin,GAO Yu,LI Peixian,LI Zihao,ZHANG Wenhao,PENG Xiaozhan,KANG Xinliang
中国矿业大学(北京) 地球科学与测绘工程学院西山煤电(集团)有限责任公司 技术中心西山煤电( 集团) 有限责任公司地质处
地下开采可能导致地表沉陷、基础设施损毁、土地破坏或地面积水等,进而诱发生态环境恶 化。 而采空区固体充填和覆岩离层注浆是控制岩层移动,减小采动损害的有效技术手段。 传统的 覆岩离层注浆往往采用关键层理论、数值模拟、相似材料模型实验和理论分析手段,因涉及的物理 力学参数多、边界条件限制等,计算过程复杂,仅能给出离层层位,难以定量确定离层量。 开采沉陷 研究表明,采动覆岩与地表移动方向指向采空中心,移动边界可以简化为线性边界,基于下沉盆地 主断面上地表下沉与任一覆岩下沉的面积相等和煤系地层的层状特征,构建了采动覆岩与地表下 沉的关系模型,较好地反映了覆岩与地表下沉随边界角、工作面宽度、开采深度的发展演化规律。 采动覆岩与地表下沉比值随埋藏深度增加而增大,反映了采动下沉效应从顶板向覆岩、地表的传递 规律;随着宽深比的增加,同一层位岩层下沉与地表下沉比值减小,地表下沉增大;当边界角减小 时,地表下沉范围增大,地表下沉值减小。 结合钻孔揭示的覆岩结构与组合,可以逐层计算上覆岩 层和地表的下沉值,利用两相邻岩层下沉的非一致性,可以确定各岩层间的离层量,通过计算导水 裂隙带高度,剔除导水裂隙带内无法形成封闭充填空间的无效离层,进而优选确定出适用于覆岩离 层注浆的最大离层及层位,为覆岩离层注浆减沉设计提供了简单、便捷的离层识别方法和离层量定 量计算方法。
Underground mining may result in surface subsidence, infrastructure damage, land degradation and surface water accumulation, and cause the ecological deterioration. In order to control the surface and overburden rock stra⁃ ta movement and reduce the mining damage, the solid filling in goaf and overburden grout injection to bed separation are selected as useful techniques. The location of bed separation can be given by the traditional methods such as key strata theory, numerical simulation, similar tmaterial experiment and theoretical analysis. However, it is difficult to determine the quantitative value of bed separation because of its complicated calculation process, multiple physical and mechanical parameters and the effect of boundary conditions. The research results of mining subsid⁃ ence demonstrate that the overburden and surface move towards to the goaf center along the ray projection, the subsid⁃ ence boundary of overburden and surface can be simplified as straight line according to the synthetic limit angle and the surface subsidence area equals to any overburden strata subsidence area. Based on these research consensus about the characteristics of coal measure strata, the relationship model between mining overburden strata and surface subsidence have been established, which well reveals the evolution of overburden and surface subsidence with the syn⁃ thetic limit angle, width of working face and mining depth. The ratio of mining overburden strata and surface subsid⁃ ence increases with the increasing of burial depth for overburden strata, it reflects the transfer law of mining subsid⁃ ence effect from roof to overburden and surface. When the width⁃depth ratio increases, the ratio of overburden⁃sur⁃ face mining subsidence decreases and the surface subsidence increases. If the synthetic limit angle decreases, the range of surface subsidence increases and the corresponding surface subsidence decreases. The overburden rock strata and surface subsidence can be calculated layer by layer according to the actual strata thickness by borehole. For the sub⁃ sidence inconsistency of two adjoining rock strata, the bed separation can be determined. It must be noted that the inef⁃ fective bed separation should be eliminate because it can’t form a closure filling space in the fractured zone. The maxi⁃ mum bed separation can be then optimized which is suitable for overburden grout injection. This identification and calcu⁃ lation method of bed separation is simple and convenient and helpful to the design of overburden grout injection.
rock strata thickness;bed separation;surface subsidence;overburden grout injection;equivalent subsid⁃ ence
1 采动覆岩与地表下沉的关系模型
1.1 研究共识
1.2 采动覆岩与地表下沉关系模型
1.3 覆岩与地表下沉关系的分析讨论
2 采动覆岩与地表下沉关系的实测结果验证
3 采动覆岩离层的计算与识别
3.1 采动覆岩离层计算方法
3.2 采动覆岩无效离层的识别与剔除
4 采动覆岩离层的模拟计算与分析
4.1 采动覆岩与地表下沉计算
4.2 采动覆岩离层量计算
4.3 采动覆岩无效离层的识别与剔除
4.4 分析与讨论
5 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会