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  • Title

    Key technology and path thinking of dynamic reconstruction of mine transparent geological model

  • 作者


  • Author

    YUAN Liang,ZHANG Pingsong

  • 单位

    中国煤炭学会 矿井地质专业委员会安徽理工大学

  • Organization
    Specialized Committee of Mine Geology,China Coal Society; Anhui University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要

    围绕煤炭“双碳”发展战略及智能精准开采需求,构建与智能化煤矿建设相匹配的透明地 质保障体系,首要任务是提高地质条件透明化理论方法和技术水平。 地质条件的精准判识对煤炭 资源安全高效开发尤为关键,但由于地质条件多样、特殊、复杂,现阶段地质透明化及动态过程研究 程度仍然不够充分。 钻、掘、采、落是煤炭安全精准开发及矿井建设中的 4 个基本步骤,其对应的透 明化条件场景涵盖钻孔、巷道、采煤工作面、采空区及废弃矿井等诸多内容。 因此,随钻、随掘、随 采、随落(后称“四随”)系列物探一体化透明信息的收集与表征至关重要。 提出“四随”地质信息 重构概念,基于不同的点、线、面、体信息的汇集与整合,逐步形成透明工作面、透明采区、透明煤矿 动态的地质模型体系。 具体而言,结合井下施工的钻孔所探查和揭露信息,形成孔周边特别是“随 钻”过程中的惯性导航、煤岩识别、虚拟地质模型重构等技术突破;利用掘进机械在巷道工作面施 工进程中超前探测与岩性分析,“ 随掘” 获得对前方及周边一定范围内地质条件的物性成像和异常 判断;根据割煤机及巷道空间布设探测与识别探头,对煤层、顶底板空间岩层进行“ 随采” 过程的精 准识别与异常判定,提高对割煤区煤厚及地质灾害体的预报精度;依托布设在采空区的浓度、渗流、 湿度、温度、应力、应变等传感器,“ 随落” 过程对采后各类环境及灾害条件进行数据监测与跟踪,提 高对异常体和剩余资源的判识能力。 基于“四随”动态高精度探查技术,进一步研发地层、构造、采 场、资源等多源地质地球物理场数据信息融合技术,通过“ 四随” 探测数据实时获取与融合处理,提 高地质信息实时感知与交互能力,辅以虚拟可视、成像等技术,实时修正静态地质模型,完成动态地 质模型重构,逐步实现煤矿地质条件的全透明化。 通过构建煤矿生产全生命周期智能化信息平台, 实现云端信息综合诊断和预警互助,为智能化煤矿建设及资源化评价利用提供可靠的技术支撑。

  • Abstract

    To meet the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality development strategy for the coal industry and the demand of intelligent precise mining, it needs to build a transparent geological guarantee system matching the construction of intelligent coal mine, the primary task is to improve the theory and technical level of transparent geology. Accurate identification of geological conditions is particularly critical to the safe and efficient development of coal resources. However, due to the diverse, special and complex geological conditions, currently the research degree of geological transparency and dynamic processes is still insufficient. Drilling, excavating, mining, and caving are the four basic steps in safe and accurate coal mining and mine construction. The corresponding transparent conditions and scenarios cover borehole, roadway, workface, goaf and abandoned mine, and so on. Therefore, it is of great importance to col⁃ lect and characterize the integrated transparent information of the series of geophysical exploration while drilling, while excavating, while mining and while caving (hereafter called “four⁃while”). This paper puts forward the concept of “four⁃while” geological information reconstruction, which is based on the collection and integration of different points, lines, planes and bodies information. Therefore, a dynamic geological model system of transparent working face, transparent mining area and transparent coal mine is gradually established. Specifically, it combines the information explored and revealed by boreholes in underground construction, especially in the process of “while drilling”, which forms a technological breakthrough of inertial navigation, coal⁃rock recognition, virtual geological model reconstruction and so on. In the process of roadway excavation, the heading machinery is used to detect and analyze lithology in ad⁃ vance, so as to obtain the physical imaging and anomaly identification of geological conditions in a certain range in front and around by “excavating”. According to the coal cutter and roadway space, the detection and recognition probe is arranged to accurately identify and determine the anomaly in coal seam, roof and floor “while mining”, so as to improve the prediction accuracy of the coal seam thickness and geological disaster body in the coal cutting area. Re⁃ lying on the concentration, seepage, humidity, temperature, stress, strain and other data from the sensors laid in the goaf, the “while caving” process can be monitored and all kinds data of environmental and disaster conditions after mining can be tracked, so as to improve the ability of identifying abnormal body. Based on the high precision explora⁃ tion technology of “four⁃while”, it needs to further develop the multi⁃source information fusion technology of the geo⁃ logical and geophysical field data such as strata, structure, stope, and resources. Through the “four⁃while” detection data real⁃time acquisition and fusion processing, improving the real⁃time perception and geological information interac⁃ tion ability by virtual visual, imaging techniques, and correcting the static geological model in real⁃time to complete the reconstruction of dynamic geological model and thus gradually realize the full transparency of coal mine geological conditions. By building an intelligent information platform for the whole life cycle of coal mine production, a cloud in⁃ formation comprehensive diagnosis and early warning mutual assistance can be realized, which provides a reliable technical support for the construction of intelligent coal mines and the evaluation and utilization of resources.

  • 关键词

    透明地质动态数据多场信息采集“ 四随” 智能化煤矿

  • KeyWords

    transparent geology;dynamic data;multi⁃field information acquisition;four while;intelligent coal mine

  • 文章目录

    1 “四随”技术研究进展

       1.1 随钻探测技术研究进展

       1.2 随掘探测技术研究进展

       1.3 随采探测技术研究进展

       1.4 随落探测技术研究进展

    2 三维建模技术进展

       2.1 随钻三维建模

       2.2 巷道三维建模

       2.3 工作面三维建模

       2.4 采空区三维建模

    3 “四随”信息综合利用与思考 

       3.1 “四随”探测技术

       3.2 多源数据信息融合

       3.3 物探一体化装备研发

       3.4 透明地质软件平台建设

       3.5 三维地质模型动态重构路径

    4 结语

  • 引用格式
    YUAN Liang,ZHANG Pingsong.Key technology and path thinking of dynamic reconstruction of mine transparent geological model[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(1):1-14.
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  • 图表
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