Research progress on regeneration and recycling technology of end-of-lifemembranes for water treatment
WANG Lingna;TIAN Chenxin;DAI Ruobin;WANG Zhiwei
膜分离技术因具有分离效率高.过程无相变.易于自动化控制等优点.在污/ 废水处理.水回用.海水淡化.苦咸水处理等领域应用广泛.在[双碳"战略布局下.膜法水处理技术须向可持续发展方向迈进.当膜到达寿命终点时.采用适当方法对其进行处理回收.从而循环利用膜本体或膜配件.能有效减少填埋或焚烧等处理处置方式带来的资源浪费和环境危害.本文综述了目前寿命终点膜的主流再生循环利用技术.将膜本体的循环利用技术划分为直接循环利用技术与间接循环利用技术.重点综述了间接循环利用技术中寿命终点高压膜降级再生.寿命终点低压膜升级再生与寿命终点膜平级再生的前沿进展.并系统总结了寿命终点膜再生前后的水渗透率.截留率等分离性能指标.同时概述了寿命终点膜配件的循环利用技术.最后.提出了水处理寿命终点膜再生循环利用技术的未来发展方向.
Membrane separation technology is widely used in wastewater treatment, water reuse, sea⁃water desalination, brackish water treatment and other fields, due to its advantages of high separationefficiency, no phase change and facile automation control. Under the guidance of the policy aiming atcarbon emission peak and carbon neutrality, membrane-based wastewater treatment technology has todevelop in the direction of sustainable development. It is of great environmental benefits to reuse andrecycle end-of-life membranes, which enables the recycling of membranes or membrane componentsand reduces the waste of resources and environmental hazards resulting from landfill or incineration.This paper reviews various regeneration and recycling technology of end-of-life membranes. The recy⁃cling technology of membranes are classified into direct recycling technology and indirect recyclingtechnology. Recent advances in the indirect recycling technology including downcycling of end-of-lifehigh-pressure membranes, upcycling of end-of-life low-pressure membranes and recycling after treat⁃ment of end-of-life membranes are systematically summarized. The properties of the regenerated mem⁃branes based on water permeance and rejection rate are evaluated. Meanwhile, the recycling technologyof end-of-life membrane components is briefly outlined. The future development directions of the recy⁃cling technology of end-of-life membranes are proposed.
Water treatment; End-of-life membranes; Regeneration and recycling technology; Waterpermeance; Rejection rate
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会