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  • Title

    Rock hardness identification for multi-condition cutting of roadheader based on feature optimization and random forest

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHANG Jucai,QI Pengfei,CHEN Xiao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mining Engineering,Anhui University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要

    为了实现岩巷掘进机不同工况截割岩壁岩石硬度的识别,通过掘进机多截割工况岩石硬度 识别实验平台,获得不同工况截割不同硬度岩石的截割电机电流及扭矩信号,提出一种基于特征优 选和随机森林(RF)的掘进机截割岩壁岩石硬度识别方法该方法首先利用自适应噪声的完全集 合经验模态分解(CEEMDAN)对实验获得的电流及扭矩信号进行分解,获得本征模态分量(IMF)并计算 IMF 的样本熵(SE),SE 最高的 IMF 进行变分模态(VMD)二次分解计算二次分解 IMF的模糊熵后对电流及扭矩信号重构,再计算重构信号的时频特征,与二次分解 IMF 的模糊熵组成 电流及扭矩信号的时--熵特征为了避免特征过多影响模型识别,提出 Relief-F 结合 Pearson相关系数的特征选择方法,最后通过乌燕鸥算法( STOA) 优化随机森林( RF) 的最大特征数和决策 树个数,完成了不同截割工况下岩石硬度识别模型的建立结果表明:1 对电流及扭矩信号先CEEMDAN 分解再 VMD 分解可以降低原始信号的随机性和波动性,相较于 CEEMDAN VMD 的 一次分解,岩石硬度识别准确度分别提升 15.2%23.9%;2 不同截割工况下岩石硬度识别,电流 信号的时域特征占岩石硬度识别准确度权重最大;3 提出的 Relief-F 结合 Pearson 相关系数的特 征优选方法对 3 种工况下截割 4 种硬度岩石的电流及扭矩信号特征聚类明显;4 STOA RF 关键 系数的选取有优化效果,且算法迭代次数少,相较于传统的粒子群优化算法,以不同工况截割不同 硬度岩石识别准确度提高 7.2%

  • Abstract
    In order to realize the identification of rock hardness when the roadheader cuts rock wall under different working conditions,a rock hardness identification method based on the feature preference and the STOA-random forest(RF) is proposed. A test bench is built for the rock hardness identification when a roadheader cuts under multi- ple working conditions,obtaining some motor current and torque signals from cutting different hardness rocks un- der different working conditions. The method first decomposes the experimentally obtained current and torque signals by using the complete ensemble empirical modal decomposition of adaptive noise(CEEMDAN) to obtain the eigen-modal component(IMF) and calculates the sample entropy(SE) of the IMF,and the IMF with the highest SE is sub- jected to the quadratic decomposition of the variational modal decomposition(VMD). After calculating the fuzzy entro- py of the secondary decomposited IMF,the current and torque signals are reconstructed,and the time-frequency fea- tures of the reconstructed signals are calculated,and the time-frequency-entropy features of the current and torque sig- nal samples are composed with the fuzzy entropy. In order to avoid too many features affecting the recognition model,the method of Relief-F combined with Pearson correlation coefficient is proposed to select the features for di- mensionality reduction. Finally,the maximum number of features and the number of decision tree in RF are optimized by the STOA method with the highest recognition accuracy as the fitness function,and the establishment of different rock hardness recognition models under different truncation conditions is completed. The results show that 1 the CEEMDAN decomposition and then the VMD decomposition of current and torque signals can reduce the randomness and volatility of original signals,and the accuracy of rock hardness identification can be improved by 15.2% and 23.9%,respectively,compared with the primary decomposition of CEEMDAN and VMD. 2 The time domain features of current signals account for the greatest weight of rock hardness identification accuracy under different cutting condi- tions. 3 The proposed Relief-F combined with Pearson correlation coefficient feature selection method has obvious- ly clustered the current and torque signal features of four hardness rocks cut under three working conditions. 4 The STOA has optimized the selection of RF key coefficients,and the number of iterations of the algorithm is less,compared with the traditional particle swarm optimization algorithm,the recognition accuracy of different hardness rocks cut under different working conditions is improved by 7.2%.
  • 关键词

    掘进岩石硬度识别二次分解Relif-F 算法Pearson 相关系数随机森林

  • KeyWords

    rock hardness identification;secondary decomposition;algorithm of Relief-F;Pearson correlation coeffi- cient;random forest

  • 引用格式
    常聚才,戚鹏飞,陈潇.基于特征优选和随机森林的掘进机多工况截割岩石硬度识别[J].煤炭学报,2023, 48(2):1070-1084.
    CHANG Jucai,QI Pengfei,CHEN Xiao.Rock hardness identification for multi-condition cutting of roadheader based on feature optimization and random forest [J].Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(2):1070-1084.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 掘进机多掘进截割工况岩石硬度识别实验平台

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