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  • Title

    Spatial morphology inversion method of mining-induced fractures based on in-situ monitoring of overburden movement and its application in gas drainage

  • 作者

    胡国忠李 康许家林贾丽明王晓振秦 伟谢建林

  • Author

    HU Guozhong,LI Kang,XU Jialin,JIA Liming,WANG Xiaozhen,QIN Wei,XIE Jianlin

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 矿业工程学院中国矿业大学 煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Mines,China University of Mining and Technology;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resource and Mine Safety,China University of Mining & Technology
  • 摘要

    如何实现工作面采空区瓦斯的高效抽采一直是煤矿安全领域亟待解决的重要难题。 覆岩 采动裂隙作为采空区瓦斯储运的主要空间,其演化过程与覆岩运动密切相关。 通过掌握采动覆岩 运动演化特征,反演出覆岩采动裂隙空间形态,从而提出精准的瓦斯抽采技术方案,是解决上述难 题的根本途径。 为此,结合山西某矿深部高强度开采条件,采用地面钻孔全柱状原位监测方法,研 究了工作面开采过程中覆岩运动的演化过程,揭示了覆岩关键层运动的分段特征;在此基础上,反 演得到了覆岩采动裂隙空间形态发育特征,即采动覆岩瓦斯卸压运移“ 三带” 、“ O” 形圈裂隙区覆 岩移动横三区的具体范围,提出了包括钻孔布置层位伸入工作面水平距离和抽采最优时段的 顶板定向长钻孔抽采瓦斯技术方案。 试验结果表明,深部开采条件下覆岩运动经历了煤壁支撑影 响阶段低位岩层破断运动阶段破断覆岩快速回转阶段上部覆岩向下重新压实阶段采动影响衰 减的整体运动平稳阶段等变化过程,其中,在低位岩层破断运动阶段和破断覆岩快速回转阶段内覆岩的离层空间与破断裂隙快速发育并相互贯通而形成导气裂隙带,为采空区瓦斯的聚集与运移 提供了空间,是抽采采空区瓦斯的有利时机;基于采动裂隙空间形态反演的顶板定向长钻孔抽采瓦 斯技术,使工作面采空区瓦斯抽采率平均提高了 57.5%,有效保障了工作面的安全开采

  • Abstract

    During the mining process of working face, how to realize the efficient gas drainage in goaf has been an im- portant problem to be solved in the field of coal mine safety. The overburden mining-induced fractures are the main space for gas storage and transportation in the goaf of working face, and their evolution process is closely related to the movement of overburden key strata. The fundamental way to solve the problem of efficient gas drainage in the goaf of working face is by understanding the movement characteristics of mining overburden, the reversing spa- tial morphology of overburden mining-induced fractures, thus proposing accurate gas drainage technology. Inthe deep mining conditions of a coal mine in Shanxi, using the surface borehole full-columnar in-situ monitoring meth- od, the evolution process of overburden movement during the mining process of the working face is studied to reveal the movement characteristics of the key strata. On this basis, the spatial morphology development characteristics of overburden mining-induced fracture is obtained by inversion, and the specific ranges of “three zones” of overly- ing gas release and migration, “O” shaped fissure zone, and the “horizontal three zones” of overburden movement are determined. A precise extraction technology is proposed for directional long borehole in roof on the test working face, including the borehole layout level, the horizontal distance extending into the working face, and the optimal time for drainage. The test results show that the overburden movement under deep mining conditions will go through five processes of change, including the influence stage of coal wall support, the stage of breaking movement of low-level rock layer, the rapid rotation stage of broken overlying rock, the downward compaction stage of high-level overlying rock, and the stable stage of overall overburden movement. Among them, in the stage of breaking movement of low- level rock layer and the rapid rotation stage of broken overlying rock, the overburden mining-induced fracture space develops rapidly and the separation space in the overburden and breaking fracture penetrate each other and form a gas-conducting fracture zone, which provides space for the gas gathering and transportation in the mining area, and it is a favorable time to extract the goaf gas. The precise extraction technology of directional long borehole in roof based on the spatial morphology inversion of overburden mining-induced fractures makes the gas drainage ratio be improved by an average of 57.5%, effectively ensuring the safe mining of the working face.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mining-induced fractures;spatial morphology;strata movement monitoring;precise gas drainage;co-extrac- tion of coal and gas;key strata

  • 引用格式
    HU Guozhong,LI Kang,XU Jialin,et al. Spatial morphology inversion method of mining-induced fractures based on in-situ monitoring of overburden movement and its application in gas drainage[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(2):750-762.
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