• 全部
  • Title

    Progress and prospect of gas extraction technology by underground gas injection displacement for increasing flow in low-permeability coal seam in China

  • 作者

    林海飞季鹏飞孔祥国李树刚白 杨龙 航李 柏和 递

  • Author

    LIN Haifei,JI Pengfei,KONG Xiangguo,LI Shugang,BAI Yang,LONG Hang,LI Bai,HE Di

  • 单位

    西安科技大学 安全科学与工程学院西安科技大学 西部矿井开采及灾害防治教育部重点实验室煤炭行业西部矿井瓦斯智能抽采工程研究中心

  • Organization
    College of Safety Science and Engineering,Xi’an University of Science and Technology;Key Laboratory of Western Mine Exploitation and Hazard Prevention Ministry of Education,Xi’an University of Science and Technology;Western Engineering Research Center of Mine Gas Intelligent Drainage for Coal Industry
  • 摘要

    我国大部分矿区煤层渗透率较低,注气驱替增流抽采瓦斯技术是提高低渗煤层瓦斯抽采效 率的有效方法之一。 分类梳理了我国低渗煤层瓦斯赋存特征,总结概括出高资源储量低含气饱和 度多储层压力并存低渗透性和复杂分区性 个特点。 利用差异置信法灰色关联法置信区间计 算法,分析了我国煤层瓦斯对井下注气驱替增流抽采瓦斯技术的适用性,获得 个影响注气驱替瓦 斯效果的直接因素,影响度依次为:煤体普氏系数>瓦斯压力>渗透率>灰分>瓦斯含量>朗格缪尔压 力常数;建立了适用于井下注气驱替增流抽采瓦斯技术的煤层参数筛选评价方法。 根据注气驱替 煤体瓦斯增流机制的不同,从气体因素注能改性两方面厘清了注气驱替煤体瓦斯增流机制,气体 因素增流机制包括:充能携载分压促解稀释促扩散竞争吸附;注能改性增流机制包括:充能扩 孔促解扩孔充能拓孔脉冲气流损伤孔隙结构/展布裂隙网络。 总结了注气驱替气源工艺参数 对瓦斯驱替效果的影响规律,简要介绍了井下注气驱替增流抽采瓦斯关键技术与装备应用模式及 应用效果。 展望了我国井下注气驱替增流抽采瓦斯技术的未来发展趋势,具体包括:多学科深化注 气驱替增流抽采瓦斯理论多方法协同注气驱替增流抽采瓦斯技术注气驱替增流抽采瓦斯工艺参 数精准化注气驱替增流抽采瓦斯装备智能化煤层注---采衔接布局协调化

  • Abstract
    Most coal mining areas in China have a low coal seam permeability. Gas extraction technology by gas injec- tion displacement for increasing flow is one of effective methods to improve the efficiency of gas extraction in low-perme- ability coal seams. In this study,the gas occurrence characteristics of low-permeability coal seam in China were reviewed and classified. Five characteristics were summarized,including high resource reserves,low gas saturation,coexistence of multiple reservoir pressures, low-permeability, and complex partitioning. Based on the method of difference confidence,grey correlation and confidence interval calculation,the applicability of coal seam gas in China to the gas ex- traction technology by underground gas injection displacement for increasing flow was analyzed. Six direct factors affect- ing the effect of gas injection displacement were obtained. The influence degree was as follows:Platts coefficient > Gas pressure > Permeability > Ash content > Gas content > Langmuir pressure constant. A screening and evaluation method of coal seam parameters was established which was suitable for the gas drainage technology by underground gas injec- tion displacement for increasing flow. According to the different mechanisms of increasing gas flow in gas injection dis- placement,the gas flow increasing mechanism of gas injection displacement was clarified from two aspects:gas factor in- creasing flow (carry CH4 with filling energy to increase flow,promote CH4 desorption by sharing pressure to increase flow,promote CH4 diffusion by diluting to increase flow,and competitive adsorption to increase CH4 flow) and energy in- jection modification increasing flow (enlarge pores with filling energy to increase CH4 flow,enlarge pores with promo- ting desorption to increase CH4 flow,expand pores with promoting desorption to increase CH4 flow,and damaged pore structure/spread fracture network by pulse gas flow to increase CH4 flow). The influence of gas source and process pa- rameters on the gas injection displacement effect was summarized. A brief introduction to the key technology and equip- ment,application mode and application effect of the underground gas extraction technology by gas injection displacement for increasing flow. The future development trend of the underground gas extraction technology by gas injection displace- ment for increasing flow in China was prospected,including multidisciplinary deepening the theory of gas extraction by gas injection displacement for increasing flow,multimethod collaborative the technology of gas extraction by gas injec- tion displacement for increasing flow,precision of the parameters of gas extraction by gas injection displacement for in- creasing flow,intellectualization of the equipment of gas extraction by gas injection displacement for increasing flow,co- ordination of injection-pumping-excavation-mining connection layout in coal seam.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    flow increasing mechanism;gas injection displacement;low-permeability coal seam;key technology and equipment;gas extraction technology

  • 引用格式
    LIN Haifei,JI Pengfei, KONG Xiangguo, et al. Progress and prospect of gas extraction technology by under- ground gas injection displacement for increasing flow in low-permeability coal seam in China[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(2):730-749.
  • 相关专题
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    • 各国瓦斯储量及我国瓦斯储量分布

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