• 全部
  • Title

    Breaking mechanism of inclined bolts in deep mine roadway with high horizontal stress and the timing of strengthening support

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Xuesheng,WU Yunhao1,TAN Yunliang1,2,YANG Mingjie3,LI Guoqing1,XIE Chengcheng

  • 单位

    山东科技大学 能源与矿业工程学院山东省矿山灾害预防控制省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地华东理工大学 资源与环境工程学院

  • Organization
    College of Energy and Mining Engineering,Shandong University of Science and Technology;State Key Laboratory of Mining Disaster Prevention and Control Cofounded by Shandong Province and the Ministry of Science and Technology;School of Resources and Environmental Engineering,East China University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要

    针对深部高水平应力下巷道倾斜锚杆承受弯曲拉伸为主的复合荷载作用,易发生破断失 效导致巷道局部失稳问题,以山东能源集团孙村煤矿 2424 工作面下平巷为工程背景,调研得到了 倾斜锚杆破断特征,推导了内力与内力矩分布破断危险断面位置及相当应力表达式,建立了以危 险断面最大相当应力为指标的破断力学判据,揭示了不同锚固参数与侧压系数对最大相当应力的 影响规律,即最大相当应力随侧压系数锚固长度和预紧扭矩增大而增大,而随锚杆安装角度增大 呈现先减小后增大再减小的趋势。 在此基础上,利用 FLAC 软件内置 Fish 语言实现了对锚杆危险 断面最大相当应力的表征,定义了以危险断面最大相当应力与许用应力比值表示的危险系数指标 K,并以此为指标提出了加强支护时机确定方法,获得了不同加强支护时机下围岩变形破坏规律。 随着加强支护时的危险系数 增大,锚杆危险断面最大相当应力围岩整体变形量与集中应力先 减小后增大,危险系数 较小时,浅部围岩弹性能积聚较大,自承载能力发挥不足;危险系数 过 大时,围岩变形量大破坏严重,整体稳定性差。 确定了 2424 工作面下平巷合理加强支护时机为危 险系数 取 0.8,现场加强支护实践表明,在危险系数为 0.8超前工作面 60 m时进行加强支护,锚 杆破断率减小了 87.9%,围岩变形得到有效控制,稳定性明显提高

  • Abstract
    In view of the inclined bolt of mine roadway under deep high horizontal stress bearing the combined load dominated by bending and tension,it is prone to fracture failure and leads to a local instability of roadway. Tak- ing the lower roadway of No. 2424 working face in the Suncun Coal Mine of Shandong Energy Group as the engineer- ing background, the fracture characteristics of inclined bolt were investigated and analyzed. Therefore, the frac- ture characteristics of inclined bolt were obtained,the distribution of internal force and internal torque,the location of fracture dangerous section and the expression of equivalent stress were deduced,the fracture mechanics criterion with the maximum equivalent stress of dangerous section as the index was established,and the influence law of differ- ent anchoring parameters and lateral pressure coefficient on the maximum equivalent stress was revealed. The maximum equivalent stress increases with the increase of lateral pressure coefficient, anchorage length and preload torque,and decreases first,then increases and then decreases with the increase of bolt installation angle. Based on the study above,the Fish language built-in in the FLAC software was used to realize the characterization of the max- imum equivalent stress of the dangerous section of the bolt,and the risk coefficient index K represented by the ratio of the maximum equivalent stress of the dangerous section to the allowable stress was defined. Based on this index,the determination method of strengthening support timing was proposed,and the deformation and failure law of surrounding rock under different strengthening support timings was obtained. With the increase of the risk coefficient K when strengthening the support,the maximum equivalent stress of the dangerous section of the bolt,the overall deform- ation of the surrounding rock and the concentrated stress first decrease and then increase. When the risk coefficient K is small,the elastic energy accumulation of the shallow surrounding rock is large,and the self-bearing capacity is insuf- ficient. When the risk factor K is too large,the surrounding rock deformation is large,the damage is serious,and the overall stability is poor. Therefore,it is determined that the optimal and reasonable strengthen support timing is the risk factor K taking 0.8. The practice of strengthen support in the lower roadway of No. 2424 working face shows that when the risk coefficient is 0. 8 ( 60 m ahead of the working face ) , the fracture rate of bolt is reduced by 87.9%,the deformation of surrounding rock is effectively controlled,and the stability of roadway is obviously improved.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    breaking mechanism;strengthening support;inclined bolt;high horizontal stress;surrounding rock control

  • 引用格式
    LIU Xuesheng,WU Yunhao,TAN Yunliang,et al.Breaking mechanism of inclined bolts in deep mine roadway with high horizontal stress and the timing of strengthening support[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2023, 48(2):609-622.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 2424工作面岩层柱状

    图(18) / 表(0)


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