• 全部
  • Title

    Theory and technical conception of coal-water-thermal positive synergistic co-extraction under the dual carbon background

  • 作者

    曾一凡刘晓秀武 强梁季月

  • Author

    ZENG Yifan,LIU Xiaoxiu1,WU Qiang1,2,LIANG Jiyue1

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 国家煤矿水害防治工程技术研究中心矿山水害防治国家矿山安全监察局重点实验室

  • Organization
    1.National Engineering Research Center of Coal Mine Water Hazard Controlling,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing;2.Key Laboratory of Mine Water Hazard Controlling,National Mine Safety Administration
  • 摘要

    双碳目标下,煤炭企业绿色低碳化发展已成为我国能源革命的迫切需求。 煤炭生产在大力 发展节能提效技术的基础上,消除水害与热害隐患的负面影响,主动激励伴生资源的潜在正面效应 发挥能源替代功能是实现矿山可持续性绿色开采的有效举措。 基于我国煤矿资源特点,首先提出 了一种集约型煤水热多资源正效协同开采模式,剖析了该模式的内涵与基本协同模式,对全生命周 期煤炭开采伴生资源控制-利用-储存形成矿区资源产供储一体产业链。 通过阐述顶板水高效精 准疏放季节性含水层储能低焓热能高效提取与梯级利用深部地热原位开采和矿井水深部地质 封存等关键技术及科学问题,提出了以煤炭开采低碳零碳融合为核心的全生命周期煤水热共采技 术体系。 针对系统运行优化管理,考虑以碳排放与经济性为双重目标配置优化开采工艺与运行策 略的协同度。 最后以陕西榆林小纪汗煤矿为分析案例,初步基于遗传算法构建煤水热共采模式下 矿区资源多目标配置优化模型,评估了系统运行节能减排效益,结果表明:利用小纪汗矿伴生风 水 资源年节能率可达 50.2%,减少矿区生产用能总二氧化碳排放量 24.2%,节能减排效果显著。 通过 实现矿业负效应资源的正向转换,拓展伴生资源对矿区综合能源体系的增环补链作用以实现煤水 热正效协同共采,对煤炭行业助力实现双碳目标具有参考意义

  • Abstract
    Under the China’s dual carbon targets,the green and low-carbon development of the coal industry has be- come an urgent need for China’s energy revolution. It is an effective measure to eliminate the negative influence of water and heat hazards and actively stimulate and exert the potential positive effect of associated resources to realize sustainable green mining. Based on the characteristics of China’s coal resources,an intensive coal-water-thermal syn- ergistic mining mode is first proposed,and the connotation and basic synergy model are investigated. The integrated in- dustrial chain of mining resources production, supply and storage is established by controlling, utilizing and storing the companion resources in the whole life cycle. By elaborating the key technologies and scientific issues such as the efficient and accurate drainage of top plate water, seasonal aquifer energy storage, the efficient extraction and cascade utilization of low-enthalpy thermal energy,the in-situ mining of deep geothermal heat and the deep geolog- ical storage of mine water,a life cycle coal-water-thermal co-mining technology system with low-carbon zero-carbon in- tegration of coal mining as the core is proposed. In order to optimize the management of the system,the synergistic de- gree of optimized mining process and operation strategy is configured with the dual objectives of carbon emission and economy. Finally,taking the Xiaojihan Mine as an analysis case,based on genetic algorithm,the multi-objective alloca- tion optimization model of mining resources is preliminarily constructed,and the efficiency of energy saving and emis- sion reduction is evaluated. The results show that the annual energy saving rate can reach 50.2% by using the associat- ed wind / water resources of the Xiaojihan Mine,and the total carbon dioxide emission of production energy can be re- duced by 24.2%. By expanding the link replenishment role of associated resources in the comprehensive energy sys- tem to realize the positive conversion of mining negative effect, it has referential significance for the coal industry to help achieve the dual carbon targets.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    positive mining resources;coal-water-thermal co-extraction;dual carbon targets;multi-energy complemen- tary;optimization of resource allocation

  • 引用格式
    ZENG Yifan,LIU Xiaoxiu,WU Qiang,et al.Theory and technical conception of coal-water-thermal positive syner- gistic co-extraction under the dual carbon background[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(2):538-550.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 煤-水-热协同共采模式概念模型

    图(12) / 表(0)


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