• 全部
  • Title

    Dynamic interaction between support and roof in shallow coal seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    REN Yan-fang1,3 ,NING Yu1,2 ,XU Gang1,3

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Coal Mining & Design Branch,Tiandi Science and Technology Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing  100013,China;2. China Coal Technology and Engineering Co. ,Ltd. , Beijing  100013,China;3. Coal Mining Branch,China Coal Research Institute,Beijing  100013,China
  • 摘要
    以榆家梁煤矿44305工作面支架活柱伸缩量实测数据为基础,同时对比支架工作阻力监测数据,从工作面顶板下沉特征(周期下沉与循环下沉)及支架让压能力2方面研究了支架与顶板的动态相互作用。结果表明,割煤移架使得"支架-顶板"组成的稳定支撑系统失去平衡,造成移架后在形成新的稳定支撑系统前发生了顶板循环下沉与支架增阻;顶板循环下沉在其运动周期内累积形成周期下沉;44305工作面顶板周期下沉量200~300 mm,最大可达462 mm,下沉速度为40~60 mm/h,循环下沉量约30 mm,最大可达52 mm;支架活柱伸缩余量是评价支架让压能力的重要指标,44305工作面回采期间应控制最低采高,确保支架活柱伸缩余量在300 mm左右,避免长时间在较低支撑高度工作,减小切顶压架风险。
  • Abstract
    Based on the measured data of support column expansion at No. 44305 working face in Yujialiang Coal Mine,and compared with the support resistance monitoring data,the paper studied the dynamic interaction between support and roof from the characteristics of roof sag (period sag and cycle sag) and yield ability to the pressure of sup- port. The results showed that the coal cutting made a stable supporting system which formed by direct roof and support unbalanced,then after moving support,caused a roof circular sag and support resistance increase before a new stable supporting system formed. Roof period sag was accumulated by cycle sag in its movement period. The roof period sag at No. 44305 working face was 200-300 mm,maximum up to 462 mm;sinking speed was 40 -60 mm / h,cycle sag was nearly about 30 mm,maximum up to 52 mm. The column expansion allowance was an important evaluation indicator to the yield ability to the pressure of support. The lowest mining height should be controlled in order to ensure the support column expansion allowance to be kept at 300 mm at least,avoiding long time lower support height working condition and reducing the risk of roof cutting.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    roof sag;support adaptability;support column expansion;support-surrounding rock interaction;yield ability to pressure of support

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Ren Yanfang,Ning Yu,Xu Gang. Dynamic interaction between support and roof in shallow coal seam[ J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2016,41(8):1905-1911.
  • 相关文章

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