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叶面涂抹DSE 菌液对蛋白桑生长发育影响及其生态修复前景
  • Title

    Effect of foliar application of DSE fungal solution on growth of Morus alba and its prospects of ecological restoration application

  • 作者


  • Author

    BI Yinli;WANG Zhuoyou;KE Zengming

  • 单位

    西安科技大学 西部矿山生态环境修复研究院,陕西 西安 710054中国矿业大学(北京) 矿山生态修复研究院,北京 100083

  • Organization
    Institute of Ecological Environment Restoration in Mine Area of West China, Xi’an University of Science and Technology
    Institute of Mine Ecological Environment Restoration, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
  • 摘要

    微生物复垦技术在西部干旱–半干旱煤矿区生态修复中已被广泛应用,便捷的微生物菌剂施用方式对于提高采煤沉陷地生态治理效率具有重要意义。试验以蛋白桑为研究对象,供试菌剂为深色有隔内生真菌(dark septate endophyte,DSE),采用温室盆栽试验,设置DSE菌液根际接种(GXZR)、DSE菌液叶片涂抹(YMTM)和对照蛋白桑(CK)3个处理,探究不同菌液接种方式对蛋白桑生长发育影响及其生态修复前景。结果表明,与CK相比,YMTM与GXZR处理均能显著提高蛋白桑地上生物量,增加幅度为1.9~3.3倍;同时YMTM与GXZR处理促进了蛋白桑对土壤C、N、P的吸收,全碳分别提升164.8%和121.8%、全氮分别提升177.7%和132.4%、全磷分别提升113.6%和28.7%。此外,YMTM与GXZR处理蛋白桑的相对饲用价值显著提升1.04和1.07倍。这些结果表明,DSE叶面涂抹促进蛋白桑对土壤C、N的吸收,使蛋白桑株高、冠幅、根茎叶生物量也得到显著提升,具有较强的碳汇作用。此外,DSE菌液叶面涂抹能够使DSE快速定殖于蛋白桑叶片,具有养分吸收快、利用率高、见效快的特点。因此,DSE叶面涂抹可作为一种新的微生物菌肥施用方式在矿区生态修复中应用,为煤矿区土地复垦与生态修复提供技术支撑。

  • Abstract

    Microbial reclamation technology has been widely used in the ecological restoration of western arid and semi-arid coal mining areas. Convenient application of microbial agent has important significance for improving the efficiency of ecological management in coal-mining subsidence. Herein, this study tested with Morus alba as the study object, and the dark septate endophyte (DSE) as the test fungus. using a greenhouse pot experiment with three treatments, which including the root inoculation of DSE fungus (GXZR), foliar application of DSE fungus (YMTM) and control Morus alba (CK), this study investigated the effects of different inoculation methods on the growth of Morus alba and its ecological restoration prospects. The results show that: (1) Compared with CK, both YMTM and GXZR treatments could significantly increase the aboveground biomass of Morus alba by 1.9 to 3.3 times. (2) YMTM treatment also significantly increases the adsorption of Morus alba to carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus by 164.8%, 177.7% and 113.6% respectively, while the GXZR treatment has them increased by 121.8%, 132.4% and 28.7% respectively. (3) The relative forage value of Morus alba subjected to YMTM and GXZR treatment is significantly increased by 1.04 and 1.07 times respectively. These results indicate that YMTM could promote the uptake of soil carbon and nitrogen by Morus alba, resulting in a significant increase in plant height, crown size, and root and leaf biomass of Morus alba as well. Further, it realized a strong effect of carbon sink. Moreover, the YMTM could make DSE colonize the leaves of Morus alba rapidly, which has the characteristics of fast nutrient uptake, high utilization rate and quick effect. Therefore, YMTM could be applied as a new microbial fertilizer application method in the ecological restoration of mining areas, thus providing technical support for land reclamation and ecological restoration in coal mining areas.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Morus alba;dark septate endophyte (DSE);coal mining area;ecological restoration

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFF1303303);国家自然科学基金项目( 51974326)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    毕银丽,王茁优,柯增鸣. 叶面涂抹DSE菌液对蛋白桑生长发育影响及其生态修复前景[J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2023,51(2):187−194
  • Citation
    BI Yinli,WANG Zhuoyou,KE Zengming. Effect of foliar application of DSE fungal solution on growth of Morus alba and its prospects of ecological restoration application[J]. Coal Geology & Exploration,2023,51(2):187−194
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 不同处理下蛋白桑地上、地下生物量和总生物量

    图(4) / 表(0)


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