• 全部
  • Title

    Development status and prospect of intelligent mining technology of longwall mining

  • 作者


  • Author

    WEI Wenyan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Beijing Tianma Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    分析了国内外综采工作面智能开采技术发展过程及现状,分析总结了国内外智能化发展技术及装备发展过程,总结了我国综采智能化经历的4个实践应用阶段,认为:(1)国外从2000年开始着手研究自动化综采关键技术,致力于提高工作面设备的可靠性、健康与安全功能,并取得了显著性的成果,建立了以自动化、信息化、数字化为基础的先进的智能化连续开采的新型生产模式。(2)美国、德国、澳大利亚等国开采技术发展仍处于领先位置,工作面设备可靠性得到了极大提升,部分单机设备可靠性达到98%以上,为无人化操作工作面奠定了基础,在2050年实现无人化矿山。(3)与国外相比,我国井工煤矿综采开采技术整体上经历了消化吸收国外技术与装备,依据我国煤层赋存条件进行开采技术与装备的创新与实践的发展过程,近10 a来,我国煤矿综采智能化围绕采煤装备智能化及开采工艺智能化取得了快速发展,从跟跑、并跑,实现了领跑。(4)针对我国煤层赋存条件多样、智能化建设基础存在较大差异的实际情况,建立了科学的智能化工作面分类、分级评价指标体系与评价方法。(5)我国智能化开采阶段的发展实践经历了可视化远程干预、工作面自动找直、智能化决策管控、机器人化及透明开采4个时期,智能化决策管控、机器人化及透明开采属于智能化中高级阶段,技术不够成熟,相关应用场景缺乏。(6)我国煤炭智能开采技术处于初级阶段,智能感知、智能决策和控制技术体系尚不完善,亟须在精准探测、全方位多维度感知、多系统融合、分析预测、自主决策、协同控制等智能控制技术上实现颠覆性创新。
  • Abstract

    This paper analyzes the development and current situation of intelligent mining technology at home and abroad, summarizes the development history, important technical achievements, policy guidance and development direction of intelligent mining at home and abroad, and summarizes the four practice stages of intelligent mining in China. The United States, Australia, Germany and other countries have taken the lead in the development of coal science and technology. They have made remarkable achievements in the key technologies of longwall mining, and established a new production mode of advanced intelligent continuous mining based on automation, informatization and digitalization. Compared with foreign countries, the Longwall mining technology of mine engineering in China has experienced the development process of digesting and absorbing foreign technology and equipment, and innovating and practicing mining technology and equipment according to the coal seam storage conditions in China. In the past 10 years, the intellectualization of longwall mining in China has achieved rapid development around the intellectualization of mining equipment and mining process, and has achieved the lead from following and running together. The development practice of intelligent mining in China has gone through four periods: visual remote intervention, automatic straightening of longwall mining, intelligent decision-making control, roboticized and transparent mining. The technologies of intelligent decision-making control, roboticized and transparent mining are not mature enough. China's coal intelligent mining technology is at the primary stage, and the system of intelligent perception, intelligent decision-making and control technology is not perfect. It is urgent to achieve subversive innovation in intelligent control technologies such as accurate detection, all-round multi-dimensional perception, multi system integration, analysis and prediction, independent decision-making, and collaborative control.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    longwall mining;intelligence;mining technology

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    WEI Wenyan. Development status and prospect of intelligent mining technology of longwall mining[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2022,50(S2):244−253
  • 图表
    • 国外智能化发展创新成果

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