• 全部
  • Title

    Review on transformation behavior of heavy metals andphosphorus in sewage sludge pyrolysis biochar

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Jingshu;ZHANG Yuanyuan;WANG Lanhui;LI Yanlong;LI Rundong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Key Laboratory of Clean Energy, Liaoning Province, College of Energy and Environment,Shenyang Aerospace University
  • 摘要
    污水处理后产生的污泥量大且含有大量微生物、有机污染物、多种重金属,同时富集了氮、磷、钾等营养元素。 如何将其安全合理地处理处置,不造成二次污染,已经成为当下的研究热点问题。 传统的处理处置手段包括卫生填埋、焚烧、热解、土地利用等等。 污泥热解由于其产生的污染物较少、经济性较强的优势,有望在未来成为一种高效清洁的污泥处理处置方式,得到研究人员广泛的关注。 综述了污泥热解制备生物炭过程中,生物炭的基本理化性质、重金属和磷的迁移转化规律以及添加剂对热解生物炭的影响。 发现添加剂具有优化污泥生物炭基本性质、固定/去除生物炭中重金属和提高磷的生物有效性等效果。 在此基础上,对未来的研究方向提出展望。提出利用模型化合物对污泥热解过程中磷与重金属的共沉积机制进行深入研究,为污泥生物炭在土壤改良剂、吸附剂、电化学材料等领域有更广泛的应用提供部分理论支撑。
  • Abstract
    Large amount sewage sludge ( SS) is produced from the wastewater - treatment system,which contains many microorganisms, organic pollutants and a variety of heavy metals. In addition, italso enriches nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients. The safe and reasonable disposal ofSS without secondary pollution has become a hot issue of current research. Traditional treatment anddisposal methods of SS include landfill, incineration, land utilization, etc. SS pyrolysis is expected tobecome an efficient and clean treatment and disposal method in the future. It has attracted extensive at⁃tention of researchers. The basic physical and chemical properties of biochar, the migration and trans⁃formation of heavy metals and phosphorus and the influence of additives on the SS-pyrolysis biochar arereviewed. It is found that the additives have the effects of optimizing the basic properties of sludge bio⁃char, fixing / removing heavy metals in biochar, improving the bioavailability of phosphorus. On this ba⁃sis, the research direction of further study is prospected. It is of great importance to using model com⁃pounds to study the co-deposition mechanism of phosphorus and heavy metals during sludge pyrolysis,and provide theoretical support for the wider application of SS-derived biochar in soil amendments, ad⁃sorbents, electrochemical materials and other fields.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Sewage sludge; Pyrolysis; Biochar; Heavy metals; Phosphorus

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录
    0 引 言
    1 污泥热解生物炭研究现状
    1.1 生物炭的理化性质
    1.2 热解过程中污泥生物炭中重金属的迁移转化特性
    1.3 热解过程中污泥生物炭中磷的迁移转化特性
    1.4 添加剂对污泥热解生物炭的影响
    1.5 污泥微波热解的研究现状
    2 存在的问题与展望
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李京书, 张媛媛, 王兰慧, 等. 污泥热解生物炭中重金属与磷的转化行为研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护,2023, 37(2): 30-38.
  • Citation
    LI Jingshu, ZHANG Yuanyuan,WANG Lanhui, et al. Review on transformation behavior of heavy metals andphosphorus in sewage sludge pyrolysis biochar[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(2): 30-38.
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