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  • Title

    Research progress on SCR catalysts for the synergistic removal of NO andVOCs from coal-fired power plants flue gas: A review

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Yin;LIAO Yanfen;;MA Xiaoqian

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology
    GuangdongProvince Key Laboratory of Efficient and Clean Energy Utilization
  • 摘要
    燃煤电厂的 NOx和 VOCs 排放量占人为源排放量的近三成,是大气环境治理面临的严峻挑战。 在燃煤电厂的 SCR 区域协同脱除烟气中 NO 和 VOCs,可以有效降低处理成本,具有重要的科学价值和环境效益。 本文概述了近年来协同脱除燃煤电厂烟气中 NO 和 VOCs 的 SCR 催化剂的研究进展。 当前研究主要采用浸渍法、共沉淀法、水热法、溶胶-凝胶法、模板法等方法制备多功能催化剂,掺杂过渡金属/ 贵金属或选择合适的载体会明显提高催化剂表面酸性位点数量和表面活性氧浓度,使催化剂协同脱除能力大幅攀升。 然而,实际烟气中多种污染物会在催化剂表面相互影响,多种反应物的相互作用机理以及反应条件对协同去除率的影响也被重点讨论。 针对当前研究存在的问题和挑战,可利用原位技术和 DFT 两个有力的工具,探究催化剂协同催化反应路径和失活机理,从而指导设计结构稳定、氧化还原活性好、副产物少、抗毒性强、可再生的协同脱除 NO 和 VOCs 的 SCR 催化剂。 当前协同脱除 NO 和 VOCs 的研究还停留在实验室规模,未来要完善多污染物协同控制理论,实现复杂烟气中 NOx和 VOCs 协同脱除的实际工程应用。
  • Abstract
    NOx and VOCs emissions from coal-fired power plants account for roughly 30% of anthropo⁃genic emissions and provide a severe challenge to air quality protection. Synergistic NO and VOCs re⁃moval from coal-fired power plants flue gas in the SCR zone can efficiently cut treatment costs, whichneeds scientific investigation and is of environmental benefits. This review describes the latest researchdevelopment of SCR catalysts for the synergistic removal of NO and VOCs from coal-fired power plantflue gas. Currently, the studies are mainly associated with impregnation method, co-precipitation meth⁃od, hydrothermal method, sol-gel method, template method and other ways to prepare multifunctionalcatalysts. Doping with transition metals/ nobel metals or selecting appropriate carriers will dramaticallyincrease the amounts of acidic sites and reactive oxygen species on the surface, resulting in a rapid risein synergistic removal capacity. However, multiple pollutants in the actual flue gas will interact on thecatalyst surface. The interaction mechanism of multiple reactants and the effect of reaction conditions onthe synergistic removal rate have also been focused on. To address the problems and challenges of cur⁃rent research, two powerful tools, in situ technology and DFT, can be applied to explore the synergisticcatalytic reaction pathways and deactivation mechanisms, guiding the design of SCR catalysts with goodredox activity, low by-products, high resistance to toxicity and regeneration. Current research on syn⁃ergistic NO and VOCs elimination is mainly conducted in the laboratory. In the future, the theory ofmulti-pollutant synergistic control should be improved to realize the practical engineering applicationsfor the synergistic removal of NOx and VOCs from complex flue gases.
  • 关键词

    氮氧化物挥发性有机物协同脱除SCR 催化剂

  • KeyWords

    Nitrogen oxides; Volatile Organic Compounds; Synergistic removal; SCR catalysts

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录
    0 引 言
    1 协同脱除NO和VOCs的SCR催化剂的制备方法
    1.1 浸渍法
    1.2 共沉淀法
    1.3 水热法
    1.4 溶胶-凝胶法
    1.5 模板法
    2 协同脱除NO和VOCs的SCR催化剂研究现状
    2.1 TiO2基
    2.2 MnOx基
    2.3 分子筛基
    2.4 其他基底
    3 挑战与展望
    3.1 改进协同脱除NO和VOCs的SCR催化剂结构
    3.2 提高协同脱除NO和VOCs的SCR催化剂的抗毒性和再生
    3.3 促进协同脱除NO和VOCs的SCR催化剂工程应用
    4 结 论
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    陈银, 廖艳芬, 马晓茜. 协同脱除燃煤电厂烟气中 NO 和 VOCs 的 SCR 催化剂研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(2): 85-97.
  • Citation
    CHEN Yin, LIAO Yanfen, MA Xiaoqian. Research progress on SCR catalysts for the synergistic removal of NOand VOCs from coal-fired power plants flue gas: A review[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(2):85-97.
  • 相关专题

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