Research on oxidation characteristics of aqueous coal based on index gas method
YI Xin;GE Long;ZHANG Shaohang;DENG Jun
To research the influence of moisture on the oxidation characteristics of coal, the coal spontaneous combustion experiment wascarried out to determine the composite index gas that can predict the spontaneous combustion of coal, and then the temperature-programingexperiments were carried out to test the changes of composite gas index during the oxidation process of coal samples with differentmoisture content, the change law of the composite gas index generated under the influence of moisture was researched, and the influencelaw and mechanism of coal sample moisture content on coal oxidation characteristics were discussed. The results of research show that thespontaneous combustion temperature of coal has an obvious relationship with CO/CH4, C2H6/CO, CO/CO2 and Graham index. The influencemoisture content on the temperature rise process of coal oxidation presents different stage characteristics at different temperatures: at30−120 ℃, moisture has both catalytic and inhibitory effects on the coal oxidation reaction, and the inhibitory effect is dominant, showingthe moisture content with the best inhibitory effect is 20%; at 120−140 ℃, the inhibitory effect of moisture on coal oxidation reaction is reduced,and moisture participates in the coal oxidation reaction as a reactant, and then shows the promotion effect of moisture on coal oxidation.At this time, the moisture in the coal oxidation reaction is mainly chemically promoted, and the moisture content with the best promotioneffect is 10%; at 120−140 ℃, the original pore volume of the coal sample increases due to the evaporation of water and new coalsamples are produced. The tiny pores become more conducive to the occurrence of coal oxidation reaction, and then show an indirect promotion effect on the reaction. The moisture content with the best promotion effect is 15%. It was finally determined that under the influenceof moisture, the composite index gas that can more accurately predict the spontaneous combustion of coal are CO/CH4, C2H6/CO andGraham index. The research results can enrich the parameters of actual coal spontaneous combustion on site, increase the mining safety ofhigh-humidity coal seams and the accuracy of spontaneous combustion prediction, and effectively reduce and prevent the occurrence ofcoal spontaneous combustion accidents.
coal spontaneous combustion; moisture content; stage characteristics; oxidation characteristics; index gas
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会