Optimum selection of target strata of ground regional treatment based on analytic hierarchy process
XIE Zhigang;SUN Gui;SUI Fengtang;XU Guangquan;ZHANG Haitao;PU Jun;ZHAN Run
In view of the fact that there were as many as 10 to 13 layers of limestone in Taiyuan formation in Huainan and HuaibeiCoalfield, the target strata of ground regional treatment was not unique, the 18413 working face in the west 4th mining area of Pan'er coalmine was taken as an example, the optimization of the target strata was studied. The requirement of water inrush coefficient was the prerequisitefor optimum selection of target strata, which determined the selection range of target strata. With C3 6 limestone as the target strata,the water inrush coefficient is less than the critical value after calculation. Therefore, it is inferred that C3 6-C3 12 limestone is the potential targetstrata. Influencing factors such as hydrodynamic conditions, aquifer hydraulic connection, water-conducting geological structure, limestonespacing, limestone thickness and stratum injectability were the key indicators for optimum selection of target strata. However, thetarget strata determined by single factor analysis is incompatible with each other, which makes it difficult to achieve the optimal selectionof the target strata. Therefore, the analytic hierarchy process was adopted for the optimal selection of the target strata. The optimum selectionof target strata of ground regional treatment was taken as the objective layer, hydrodynamic conditions, hydraulic connection between aquifers, water-conducting geological structure, limestone spacing, limestone thickness and stratum injectability were taken as the criterionlayer, and C3 6, C3 7, C3 8, C3 9, C3 10, C3 11, C3 12 limestone of Taiyuan formation were taken as the scheme layer, the analytic hierarchy processmodel was established. The judgment matrix of the target layer and the criterion layer, the criterion layer and the scheme layer were constructed,and the weight of each index of the criterion layer and the single factor score of each scheme of the scheme layer were calculated.The CR values were all less than 0.10 after inspection, and judgment matrices had satisfactory consistency, meeting the consistency test.The total score of each scheme was 0.177, 0.169, 0.170, 0.214, 0.103, 0.114 and 0.053, respectively, which were calculated by the hierarchytotal sort. The total score of C3 9 limestone was the largest, indicating that the optimal target stratum of ground regional treatment wasC3 9 limestone. The analytic hierarchy process was applied to the study on the optimum selection of target strata of ground regional treatment,and the qualitative problem was transformed into a quantitative problem, realizing the multi-factor quantitative optimum selection oftarget strata, and providing a new method for optimum selection of target strata.
analytic hierarchy process; Karst water disaster; ground regional treatment; target stratum; optimum selection
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会