• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress on porous materials for capturing carbon dioxide from flue gas

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHAO Zemin;GAO Huimin;QU Ting;JING Jieying;LI Wenying

  • 单位

    太原理工大学 省部共建煤基能源清洁高效利用国家重点实验室山西浙大新材料与化工研究院

  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Clean and Efficient Coal Utilization, Taiyuan University of Technology
    Shanxi-Zheda Institute ofAdvanced Materials and Chemical Engineering
  • 摘要

    化石燃料燃烧引起的CO2 排放是全球气候变暖、极端天气频发的重要原因之一。目前中国一次能源以化石能源为主,CO2 排放仍居高位。使用低成本、低能耗的CO2 捕集方法是缓解上述情况发生的一种有效手段。与醇胺溶液吸收法相比,吸附法具有能耗低、对设备损害小、循环稳定性良好等优点,但同时它也存在吸附材料制备过程繁杂、成本高的缺陷。因此,亟待寻找一种成本低廉、CO2 吸附性能优异的吸附材料实现对CO2 的高效捕集。以多孔材料为出发点介绍了理想吸附材料应具有的性能,重点论述了烟气中水蒸气、SO2 等成分对于多孔材料CO2 吸附性能的影响以及多孔材料CO2 吸附性能的改进方式。多孔材料具有比表面积大、孔径可调等优势,其中硅基介孔材料和活性炭材料价格低廉,MOFs 材料功能多样,这些特征使得多孔材料被广泛应用于CO2 捕集领域。值得注意的是,分子筛和硅基介孔材料对水蒸气敏感程度大,MOFs 材料虽受水蒸气影响较分子筛小,但其在低压下吸附容量低,制备成本也比较高,活性炭材料同样也存在吸附容量低等缺点。因此,各种多孔材料还需不断改性以提高其吸附性能,目前大部分多孔材料的改性方式集中在孔隙结构调控和表面改性。未来研究还需深入探究多孔材料吸附CO2 的内在机制以及表面改性与孔隙结构的协同调控等。

  • Abstract
    The CO2 emission caused by fossil fuel combustion is one of the important reasons for global warming and extremeweather. At present, fossil fuel is still the primary energy in China and CO2 emission remains high. The use of lowcostand energy-efficient CO2 capture methods can effectively alleviate the occurrence of above situation. Compared withthe alcohol amine solution absorption method, the adsorption method has the advantages of low energy consumption, lessdamage to the equipment and excellent cycle stability, etc. However, the adsorption materials usually involve a complexpreparation process and the cost is high. Therefore, it is urgent to find a kind of new adsorption material with low cost andexcellent CO2 adsorption performance to achieve an efficient CO2 capture. In this study, the properties of ideal porous adsorptionmaterials are introduced, the influence of other gases such as water vapor and SO2 in the flue gas on the CO2 adsorption performance of porous materials, and the ways to improve the CO2 adsorption performance of porous materialsare mainly discussed. Porous materials have the advantages of large specific surface area, and adjustable pore size, etc.,among which the silicon-based mesoporous materials and activated carbon have low prices, and the MOFs materials havevarious functions. These characteristics make porous materials widely used in the field of CO2 capture. However, it isworth noting that the molecular sieves and silicon-based mesoporous materials are highly sensitive to water vapor. TheMOFs materials are less affected by water vapor than the molecular sieves, but their adsorption capacity is relatively lowunder low pressure and their preparation cost is relatively high. Activated carbon materials also have disadvantages such aslow adsorption capacity. Therefore, various porous materials need to be constantly modified to improve their adsorptionperformance, and most of the modification methods of porous materials focus on pore structure regulation and surfacemodification. Future research needs to further explore the internal mechanism of CO2 adsorption by porous materials andthe synergistic regulation of surface modification and pore structure.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    carbon dioxide;porous material;flue gas;adsorption performance

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    赵泽敏,高慧敏,屈婷,等. 多孔材料捕集烟道气中二氧化碳研究进展[J]. 煤炭学报,2023,48(4):1715−1726
  • Citation
    ZHAO Zemin,GAO Huimin,QU Ting,et al. Research progress on porous materials for capturing carbon dioxide from flue gas[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(4):1715−1726
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 不同反应器下CO2吸附量与再生能耗关系

    图(3) / 表(0)


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