Study on the Effect of Calcareous Mudstone Dust on Ventilation Gas in Boiler Mixed Combustion
MA Yitong;HAO Chaoyu;HE Wenhao;DENG Cunbao
In order to reduce the impact of ventilation air methane (VAM) emission on thegreenhouse effect, we investigated the oxidation pattern of VAM with a concentration of 0.75%and its mixing method with lignite and anthracite, and the effect of the calcareous mudstone dustin VAM on the VAM in mixed firing system. Calcareous mudstone dust with different metal oxidecontent was mixed with different coal species and placed in this gas environment by using atube furnace system to simulate a premixed gas environment of VAM and air. X-ray diffraction(XRD) analysis was used to analyze, the mixed firing products. The study shows that: calcareousmudstone dust can promote the oxidation of gas, and the oxidation efficiency increases withthe increase of metal oxide content. Calcareous mudstone dust can promote the oxidation of VAM in the mixed firing system at the same temperature, and the higher the metal oxide content ofcalcareous mudstone dust, the lower the temperature at which the conversion of spent air gas reachesits limit. According to the effect of dust on the gas conversion of the two coal blending systems,it can be seen that although the gas conversion rate of the lignite system is always higherthan that of the anthracite system, the dust has a negative effect on the conversion of the VAM inthe lignite system and a positive effect on the anthracite system, so the effect of dust on the anthraciteblending system is better than that on the lignite system. Calcareous mudstone dust alsoplays the role of sulfur fixation, so the calcareous mudstone dust involved in the process of dischargingVAM from the mine can be left untreated and passed into the coal-fired boiler togetherwith VAM.
calcareous mudstone dust; ventilation air methane; mixed firing; metal oxides; gas oxidation
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会