Experimental Study and Simulation Analysis on Seismic Behavior of Recycled Aggregate Thermal Insulation Concrete Shear Wal
LI Bo;YANG Rizhen;ZHANG Yu;MA Gang
太原理工大学 土木工程学院山西省安装集团股份有限公司
In this paper, four control groups of recycled aggregate thermal insulation concreteshear walls were set up for proposed pseude static tests, and the modeling and analysis of recycledaggregate thermal insulation concrete shear walls were conducted with ANSYS finite elementanalysis software to study the seismic performance of recycled aggregate thermal insulation concreteshear walls. By comparing the stress cloud map of shear wall elements under low circumferentialreciprocal loads and that of reinforcement Mises, the test results were combined with thesimulation analysis to investigate in depth the effects of axial compression ratio, shear-to-span ratio,dark column reinforcement ratio, and stirrup constraint on the seismic performance of shearwalls. The results show that: the concrete and reinforcement calculation model used in the simulation is a more reliable calculation model because the calculated values are in good agreementwith the experimental values and the deviation does not exceed 10%; the maximum bearing capacityof recycled aggregate thermal insulation concrete is 1.2%-4.7% higher than that of normalconcrete, and the ductility coefficient of recycled aggregate thermal insulation concrete is5.1%-12.8% higher than that of normal concrete depending on different shear-span ratios,which has good seismic performance. High shear-to-span ratio members have better seismic performance,and the degree of influence of shear-to-span ratio on the structure is greater in the preloadingperiod than in the post-loading period; the increase of bearing capacity in the process ofaxial compression ratio from 0.14 to 0.3 is about 35%, but the increase of bearing capacitymakes the ductility and seismic capacity of the members decrease; the increase of dark column reinforcementrate makes the members effectively improve the ductility and seismic capacity of theconcrete members.
recycled aggregate thermal insulation concrete: shear wall; seismic performance; pseudo-static testing
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会