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  • Title

    Preparation and characterization of high temperature coal tar pitch⁃based Mesocarbon Microbeads

  • 作者


  • Author

    DENG Jianfeng;ZHU Yaming;CUI Yibin;GU Zishuo;LAI Shiquan;CHENG Junxia;ZHAO Xuefei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Institute of Chemical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Liaoning
  • 摘要

    由高温煤焦油沥青通过热聚合法制备的中间相炭微球(MCMB) 为重要的功能性人造炭材料, 高温煤焦油沥青的性质在很大程度上影响着中间相炭微球的品质, 因而进一步明确高温煤焦油沥青性质与中间相炭微球间的关系以期为热聚合法生产高品质MCMB 提供一定的理论基础和技术支持。选用7 种来源不同的高温煤焦油沥青( P -AG、P -SX、P -XJ、P -KL、P -SP、P-XD和P-TJ) 为原料制备中间相炭微球, 分别利用红外光谱、偏光显微镜、扫描电镜、XRD和拉曼光谱对沥青原料、中间相炭微球生球和炭化后中间炭微球熟球的性质进行系统研究。研究结果表明: 7 种不同来源高温煤焦油沥青的芳香性指数( Iar ) 均高于0. 85, 制备的MCMB 在1 200 ℃炭化处理后, 石墨化度(g) 均高于38%, 理想石墨微晶含量(Ig) 高于7. 73%。其中,以P-XJ 沥青为原料所制备的MCMB 品质最佳, 其MCMB 收率为18. 28%、平均粒径23. 20 μm、粒度均匀指数0. 720 3。高温煤焦油沥青经过热聚合处理能高效制备MCMB, MCMB 的收率和球形度以及粒径分布等受原生喹啉不溶物( QI) 含量影响较大, 经1 200 ℃炭化处理后的MCMB的高温可石墨化性较好。综合考虑MCMB 收率、平均粒径、粒度均匀性、表面形貌等因素可知,以高温煤焦油沥青制备MCMB 时, 调控原料沥青的原生QI 含量具有重要的实际意义。

  • Abstract

    As a kind of important functional artificial carbon material,Mesocarbon Microbeads(MCMB) is generallyproduced by the thermal polymerization of high temperature coal tar pitch. The quality of MCMB is usually affected bythe properties of high temperature coal tar pitch. Therefore, the relationship between the properties of high⁃tempera⁃ture coal tar pitch and MCMB was further clarified to provide a theoretical basis and technical support for the produc⁃tion of high⁃quality MCMB by thermal polymerization method. Seven kinds of high temperature coal tar pitches with varied resources (named as P-AG, P-SX, P-XJ, P-KL, P-SP, P-XD and P-TJ) had been used as the rawmaterials to generated MCMB. The properties of raw pitches, green MCMB and carbonized MCMB had been detailedstudied by the FTIR, optical microscope, XRD and Raman spectrum, respectively. The results show that, the aro⁃maticity index (Iar) of seven kinds of high temperature coal tar pitches are higher than 0. 85. The degree of graphiti⁃zation (g) and the ideal graphite microcrystal (Ig) of MCMBs after calcinated at 1 200 ℃ are also higher than 38%and 7. 73%, respectively. Therein, the quality of MCMB prepared by P-XJ as the raw pitch is much higher thanother pitches. The yield, average particle size and particle size uniformity index of MCMB prepared by P -XJ is18. 28%, 23. 20 μm and 0. 720 3, respectively. MCMB can be efficiently prepared from high temperature coal tarpitch by thermal polymerization method. The yield, sphericity and particle size distribution of MCMB are greatly af⁃fected by the content of primary QI. MCMB calcinated at the temperature of 1 200 ℃ has good graphitization ability athigh temperature. It is of great practical significance to control the primary QI content of raw pitch during the prepara⁃tion of MCMB when considering the yield of MCMB, average particle size, particle size uniformity, surface morphol⁃ogy and other factors as the quality index.

  • 关键词

    高温煤焦油沥青 中间相炭微球 微晶结构 芳香性指数 石墨微晶含量 石墨化度 粒度均匀指数 表面形貌

  • KeyWords

    high temperature coal tar pitch; Mesocarbon Microbeads (MCMB); microcrystalline structure; aro⁃ maticity index; gaphite microcrystalline content; graphitization degree; particle size uniformity index; surface to⁃ pography

  • 相关专题

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