• 全部
  • Title

    State-of-the-art occurrence mechanism and hazard control of mining tremors andtheir challenges in Chinese coal mines

  • 作者


  • Author

    CAO Anye;DOU Linming;BAI Xianxi;LIU Yaoqi;YANG Ke;LI Jiazhuo;WANG Changbin

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 矿业工程学院中国矿业大学 江苏省矿山地震监测工程实验室安徽理工大学 深部煤矿采动响应与灾害防控国家重点实验室中国矿业大学 煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology
    Jiangsu Engineering Laboratory of Mine Earthquake Monitor-ing and Prevention, China University of Mining and Technology
    Key Laboratory of Deep Coal Mine Excavation Response& Disaster Prevention and Control, Anhui University of Science and Technology
    State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources andMine Safety, China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    With an increasing mining depth and intensity in Chinese coal mines, unprecedented frequency and intensity ofmining tremors are attracting extensive attention from the government and society. Under the initiatives from the government and the intensive investigations, significant progress has been made in the research and engineering practice, whichgreatly enhances the understanding and hazard control of the mining tremors. This paper reviewed the state-of-the-art occurrence mechanism, damage characteristics and control of the mining tremors in Chinese coal mines and demonstratedtheir main challenges. The conclusions are as follows: due to the complicated occurrence conditions of mining tremors,various definitions and classifications of mining tremors have been proposed from different aspects. This paper has summarized these definitions and classifications and defines mining tremors from special and general aspects, respectively,which classify mining tremors in terms of phenomena and occurrence mechanisms. Because mining tremors are widespread in all mining countries in the world, targeted mining tremor hazards prevention and control are urgently needed. Although the research started late in China, the hazard control of mining tremors and the emergency dealing capacity havebeen significantly enhanced in recent years due to the implementation of the regulations and rules from the government formining tremors prevention and control. It has been summarized that from the macro view, the triggering of mining tremorsis mainly induced by the coal pillar failure, roof breakage and movement and fault slip, and from the micro view, the triggering of mining tremors mainly includes tension rupture, implosion rupture and shear rupture. The mining-tremor-induced hazards have been surveyed in terms of source parameters, seismic wave attenuation and seismic wave disturbances,and the methods for evaluating surface and underground damage triggered by mining tremors have been also concluded.To achieve hazard source control and precise prevention, the current situation of mining tremors treatment in Chinese coalmines has been outlined. At present, Chinese coal mines, it is still far away to achieve accurate hazard source identification and full hazard control. Therefore, to support the national strategy of deep resources development and energy security,future studies should focus on investigating the hazard-forming mechanism, damage effect and prevention and controltechnologies of mining tremors.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mining tremors;occurrence mechanism;failure effect;focal mechanism;prevention and control technolo-gies

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    曹安业,窦林名,白贤栖,等. 我国煤矿矿震发生机理及治理现状与难题[J]. 煤炭学报,2023,48(5):1894−1918.
  • Citation
    CAO Anye, DOU Linming, BAI Xianxi, et al. State-of-the-art occurrence mechanism and hazard control ofmining tremors and their challenges in chinese coal mines[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2023, 48(5):1894−1918.
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