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  • Title

    Mathematical evaluation on the applicability of bolter miners based on variable weight fuzzy theory

  • 作者


  • Author

    MA Jingong;SONG Dejun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Taiyuan Research Institute Co., Ltd., China Coal Technology & Engineering Group
    Shanxi Tiandi Coal Mining Machinery Co., Ltd.
    China National Engineering Laboratory for Coal Mining Machinery
  • 摘要

    掘锚一体机组具有掘锚钻同体、全宽截割、掘锚平行、锚运同步、多锚平衡等显著技术优势,具备远程操控和地面集中控制,满足日进百米要求,已成为“十四五”时期煤炭行业实现中高级智能化高效掘进、缓解采掘接续的关键装备群。然而,国内近5 a、数十个矿区的应用表明,掘锚一体机组对掘进煤层地质条件有一定的适用性要求,若条件不匹配,其掘进效率、经济性方面相比传统悬臂式掘进机的提升并不明显。因此,针对掘锚一体机组适用性程度的评估是亟需工作,提出了将层次分析、模糊数学以及变权理论等数学原理相结合的方法,基于数十个矿区的应用实践经验建立了掘锚一体机组地质适用性程度评价的数学评价指标框架体系,包括煤层地质赋存特征、掘进巷道特征、地质构造特征、安全影响要素等4个二级指标,并划分确定了21个三级子指标以及这些子指标所对应的特征取值条件,这些取值条件严格遵循并符合表征适用性程度的4种评语子集(“差、中等、较好、好”)要求,然后通过层次分析法得出了子指标的判断矩阵与常权权重,采用模糊数学隶属函数建立了子指标的模糊关系矩阵,引入对数函数与Hadamard矩阵原理实现了常权权重的变权(调低“好”因子权重、调高“差”因子权重,使其更符合实际),最后经过两级综合评判得出最终评价结果值并根据最大隶属原则即选择其最大值所属的评语子集,从而得出其适用性程度。至此,将创建完成的完整的变权模糊层次综合评价模型,引入已经应用掘锚一体机组的3个不同条件的矿井特征值参数(简称为HB矿、HL矿、XZ矿),进行评价模型的准确性验证。结果表明,本研究建立的变权模糊层次综合评价模型,在3个矿条件差异较大的情况下得出的评价结果能很好揭示出各个矿井的指标在不同评语集下的表现与隶属程度,与现场实践的效果吻合,综合评价模型中的权重赋值、矩阵构成、变权方法等计算模型的构建贴近现场实际,变权模糊层次综合评价模型量化表征了掘锚一体机组对某矿井煤层地质条件适用性程度,有助于矿井提前做出决策。

  • Abstract

    With remote automatic control and ground control, bolter miners have the significant technical advantages of digging-bolting-drilling, full width cutting, driving-bolting synchronization, bolting-transporting parallel, multi-anchor balance and so on, and can meet the driving requirement of 100 meters per day, which has become a key equipment group for the coal industry to realize high-level intelligent and efficient excavation and alleviate the linkage of drivage and mining during the “14th Five-Year Plan”. However, the application in dozens of mining areas in recent 5 years shows that bolter miners have certain applicability requirements for the geological conditions of coal seam driving, compared with the traditional cantilever roadheader, the efficiency and economy improvement is not obvious. Therefore, it is urgent to evaluate the applicability of bolter miners. This paper puts forward a method for combining AHP (analytic hierarchy process), fuzzy mathematics and variable weight theory, and constructs a multi-level impact index system for the applicability evaluation of bolter miners based on the practical experience in various mines. The index system is composed of four indicators, such as coal seam geological occurrence characteristics, roadway characteristics, geological structure characteristics and safety impact factors. The 21 sub-indicators and its value conditions are determined, and four judgment subsets are established to characterize the applicability degree (“poor, medium, good and extremly good”). The judgment matrix and constant weight of sub-indicators are obtained by AHP, and the fuzzy relationship matrix of sub-indicators is established by fuzzy mathematics membership function. The logarithmic function and the Hadamard matrix principle are introduced to realize the variable weight of constant weight (lowering the weight of “good” factor and raising the weight of "bad" factor to make it more practical). After two comprehensive evaluations, the final evaluation result value is obtained and its applicability is selected according to the maximum membership principle. Therefore, a complete variable weight fuzzy hierarchical comprehensive evaluation model is created. Finally, three mine parameters (abbreviated as HB mine, HL mine and XZ mine) with different conditions that have been applied to the bolter miner are introduced to verify the rationality of the model results. The results show that although the conditions of the three mines are quite different, the evaluation results can well reflect the performance and membership degree of the indexes of each mine under different comment sets, which is very consistent with the effect of field practice. The calculation models of weight assignment, matrix composition and variable weight method in the comprehensive evaluation model are close to the actual situation, the variable weight fuzzy hierarchy comprehensive evaluation model quantifies the applicability of the bolter miners to the geological conditions of the coal mine, which is helpful for the mine to make decision in advance.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    bolter miners;applicability of bolter miners;variable weight principle;fuzzy mathematics;analytic hierarchy process;coal seam geological condition

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    马进功,宋德军. 基于变权模糊理论的掘锚一体机组掘进适用性数学评价[J]. 煤炭学报,2023,48(6):2579−2589
  • Citation
    MA Jingong,SONG Dejun. Mathematical evaluation on the applicability of bolter miners based on variable weight fuzzy theory[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(6):2579−2589
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 掘锚一体机组成套装备

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