• 全部
  • Title

    Numerical simulation study on reasonable top coal caving technology in longwall top coal caving working face with different top coal thickness

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Chuang;LI Huamin;MA Zhanyuan;ZHANG Zhenrui

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Resource and Safety Engineering,Henan University of Engineering
    School of Energy Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University
    Jinneng Holding Group
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The recovery rate of top coal in 8202 longwall top coal caving(LTCC)working face of Tongxin coal mine is low.In order to improve the recovery rate of coal resources,a numerical model along the slope of the working face was established by CDEM numerical simulation software.Different top coal caving tech‐nology were used to simulate the top coal caving process of the LTCC working face under the top coal thick‐ness of 4.0,8.0,12.0 m,the changes in the coal-gangue interface and the recovery rate of the top coal were compared and analyzed,and the reasonable coal drawing process parameters under different top coal thick‐ness were optimized.The results showed that the greater the thickness of the top coal caving at one time was,the greater the difference in the amount of top coal caving at each caving window was,the more serious the coal-gangue interbedding was,the more chaotic the coal-gangue interface was and the lower top coal re‐covery rate was.Through analysis and comparison,it was concluded that the top coal recovery rate of 8202LTCC working face was the largest under the three-round sequential top coal caving technology.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    longwall top coal caving working face;coal thickness;coal caving technology;top coal recovery rate;numerical simulation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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