Simulation and lumpiness analysis of deep-hole bench blasting with different millisecond delay time between holes
YANG Jun;WANG Fanfan;MA Ya;DUAN Jichao;ZONG Qi
In order to study the influence of millisecond delay time interval on rock fragmentation, the finite element software ANSYS/ LS-DYNA is used to carry out numerical simulation of bench blasting in open-pit mine. If the millisecond delay time is too small to form an effective free surface, the early generation of micro - cracks leads to the escape of explosive gas, which is not conducive to rock fragmentation. If the millisecond delay time is too large, it is equivalent to a single borehole initiation, which cannot form a superimposed stress field and affect the rock crushing effect. When the millisecond delay time is 20 ms, the stress of the selected medium unit reaches the maximum, which is beneficial to rock breaking and can change the blasting effect. The bench deep-hole millisecond blasting test is carried out on site, and the blasting effect is analyzed and evaluated by WipFrag image analysis software. The statistical results show that the rock size of the blasting area is smaller than the size of the screen mesh, accounting for 93. 24% of the whole blasting area. In addition, the dispersion of uniformity coefficient of blasting block is very small, which proves that the rock fragmentation is uniform and the overall blasting effect is ideal.
open-pit mine; numerical simulation; millisecond delay time; lumpiness analysis
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会