Effects of increasing sintering pressure on the performance of impregnated diamond bit
YANG Zhan;TAN Songcheng;FANG Xiaohong;YANG Kaihua
中国地质大学(武汉) 机械与电子信息学院中国地质大学(武汉) 工程学院
传统的热压孕镶金刚石钻头胎体配方多为单质金属体系,采用WC或YG8作为骨架材料,Cu合金作为粘结材料,Ni、Co、Fe和Mn等金属作为中间材料。受配方中粘结材料和骨架材料成分及含量的影响,其适宜的烧结压力有限(≤16 MPa),且烧结温度则相对较高(≥ 930℃),常造成金刚石钻头胎体实际密度与理论密度之比偏低(≤ 98%),且高烧结温度会对金刚石产生热损伤,从而使钻头难以同时兼顾机械钻速和使用寿命。采用混料回归试验方法优选了2种全预合金成分的孕镶金刚石钻头胎体配方,并以钻头胎体的硬度(HRC)、磨损量和相对密度作为评价指标,分别开展了上述2种配方的烧结温度和烧结压力的单因素试验,以及配方2的烧结温度(930、940、950℃)和烧结压力(17、18、19、20 MPa)优化试验。试验结果表明,钻头胎体试样的最高压入硬度可达30.1 (HRC),对应磨损量和相对密度分别为134 mg和99.1%。基于此,采用配方2及其优选的热压烧结工艺参数,试制了3只ø75/49 mm规格的普通双管钻头,并在河南洛阳栾川某金矿钻探现场进行了野外钻进试验,其平均机械钻速达到2.02 m/h,平均使用寿命达到121.4 m。同机台使用的其他厂家的金刚石钻头,其平均机械钻速为1.81 m/h,单只钻头平均使用寿命为89 m。野外钻进试验结果表明,相较于其他厂家的常规孕镶金刚石钻头,采用全预合金配方体系和优化配合的烧结压力与烧结温度制备的孕镶金刚石钻头具有明显的优势,可以同时兼顾高效与长寿命的钻进效果。
The matrix formulas of conventional hot-pressed impregnated diamond bits are mostly elemental metal systems, using WC or YG8 as the skeleton materials, Cu alloys as the bonding materials, and Ni, Co, Fe and Mn as the intermediate materials. Due to the compositions and contents of the bonding and skeleton materials in the formulas, the suitable sintering pressure is limited (≤16 MPa), while the sintering temperature is relatively high (≥ 930℃), resulting in a lower relative ratio of the actual and theoretical densities (≤98%) for the diamond bit matrix. However, the high sintering temperature will cause thermal damage to the diamonds, making it difficult for the impregnated diamond bits to take into account the rate of penetration (ROP) and the service life at the same time. Therefore, two full pre-alloyed diamond bit matrix formulas were selected by the mixture regression test method, and the hardness (HRC), amount of wear, and relative density of the bit matrix were employed as evaluation indexes. On this basis, the single factor tests were carried out for the sintering temperature and sintering pressure for the above two formulas. Meanwhile, the optimization tests were also conducted to the sintering temperature (930, 940 and 950℃) and sintering pressure (17, 18, 19 and 20 MPa) for Formula 2. The test results show that the maximum indentation hardness of the bit matrix samples can be as high as 30.1 HRC, with the amount of wear and relative density of 134 mg and 99.1% respectively. Based on this, three ordinary double-tube bits (ø75/49 mm) were fabricated in trial according to Formula 2 with the optimized hot-pressing sintering parameters, and with these bits, field drilling test was performed at a gold exploration site in Luoyang, with the average ROP and service life of 2.02 m/h and 121.4 m obtained. However, the average ROP and service life of the diamond bits of other manufacturers used on the same drilling platform were only 1.81 m/h and 89 m respectively. The field drilling test results indicate that the impregnated diamond bits fabricated according to the full pre-alloyed matrix formula system and the optimized sintering pressure and temperature have more advantages than the conventional impregnated diamond bits of other manufacturers, thus capable of realizing drilling with high ROP and long service life.
impregnated diamond bit;hot-pressing;pre-alloyed;matrix formula;sintering technology
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会