• 全部
  • Title

    Future and challenge of coal based ammonia synthesis and cleanutilization under the double carbon target

  • 作者


  • Author

    WU Jin;ZOU Longzhi;CHEN Yang;ZHU Hang;MEI Jian;XIONG Chuhao;WU Ye;LIU Dong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy and Power Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Ammonia, as an important chemical raw material, has a history of more than 100 years. Ammonia chemical industry hasmade great contributions to human′s manufacture and life. However, with the increasingly strict requirements for energy conservation andenvironmental protection, the new development direction in the new era has brought new challenges to ammonia chemical industry. The de⁃velopment of technologies in ammonia chemical industry was introduced, and the research progress of ammonia synthesis and clean utiliza⁃tion was reviewed from three aspects: ammonia synthesis, ammonia combustion and ammonia utilization. The traditional Haber-Bosch am⁃monia synthesis process will emit the large amount of CO2 emissions, and even the most advanced coal gasification or natural gas reformingammonia production processis difficult to meet the requirements of the dual carbon targe. The renewable energy produce hydrogen-HaberBosch process is the most likely green synthetic ammonia technology to be applied on a large scale in the foreseeable stage. With the rapiddevelopment of electronic technology and various detection methods, some new ammonia synthesis technologies, such as chemical chainammonia synthesis technology, electrocatalysis, photocatalysis, plasma technology, has attracted much attention, which can get rid of thehigh temperature and high pressure in the traditional method, reduce the pollutant emissionand opens up a new way for green ammoniasynthesis. Meanwhile, ammonia has also attracted the attention due to the characteristic of high hydrogen storage capacity and combustionproducts pollution-free in the context of carbon neutralization. The fuels such as hydrogen and methane or catalysts are usually used to pro⁃mote ammonia combustion.Due to more coal and less gas in China, there are also studies on the co-firing of ammonia and coal, but its sta⁃ble combustion and the control of nitrogen oxides in products are relatively difficult. The chemical looping technology of ammonia has theadvantages of high combustion efficiency, low cost, and almost no NOx production. In addition, chemical applications such as ammoniahydrogen production, ammonia carbon capture, ammonia desulfurization and denitration have also steadily developed in recent years. Rubased catalysts for hydrogen production from ammonia have high hydrogen efficiency, and transition metal catalysts are inexpensive.The combination of precious metals and transition metals also provides a good idea for its development. Ammonia carbon capture technolo⁃gy can effectively mitigate the greenhouse effect, and its development is relatively mature, but it still needs to be optimized. Ammonia des⁃ulfurization and denitrification can selectively reduce the SO2 and NOx in the flue gas. Ammonia/ activated carbon method, ammonia/ elec⁃tron beam method and ammonia/ pulse corona method all have good development prospects. In a word, the development of the above tech⁃nologies has further widened the application field of ammonia and opened up a new direction for ammonia chemical industry. The future re⁃search of ammonia needs to introduce more sustainable development concepts and scientific and technological innovation on this basis, in⁃jecting new impetus into green ammonia chemical industry.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Haber-Bosch;chemical looping;mixing combustion;catalytic combustion;ammonia chemical industry

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 合成氨工艺

       1.1 Haber-Bosch法合成氨

       1.2 化学链合成氨

       1.3 其他新型合成氨技术

    2 氨的燃烧

       2.1 氨的掺混燃烧

       2.2 纯氨燃烧

    3 氨利用

       3.1 氨制氢

       3.2 氨法碳捕集

       3.3 氨法脱硫脱硝

    4 结语与展望

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    WU Jin,ZOU Longzhi,CHEN Yang,et al.Future and challenge of coal based ammonia synthesis and clean utilization under the double carbon target[J].Clean Coal Technology,2023,29(7):21-50.
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