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  • Title

    Water⁃bearing characteristics of coal reservoirs and its controlmechanism on coalbed methane production

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Songhang;TANG Shuheng;MENG Shangzhi;XIN Di;ZHANG Yuanyuan;WANG Xidong

  • 单位


  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Water⁃bearing characteristics of original coal reservoir not only determine the application of coalbedmethane(CBM) adsorption and accumulation theory,but also affect the selection of reservoir reconstruction measures,and the understanding of the CBM production process. Regarding the water⁃bearing properties of coal seams, inthe coalbed methane geology,it believes that coal reservoirs are basically saturated with water,while in the coal gas ge⁃ology,it basically does not consider the influence of water in gas content calculation and gas seepage,which is equiva⁃lent to thinking that coal reservoirs are saturated with gas. From the perspective of coal seam water source,coal reser⁃voir burial and thermal evolution history, the changes of water bearing in coal reservoirs are expounded.According to the analysis, there may be four states in the present coal reservoir, i. e., saturated water, ultra⁃lowsaturated water,unsaturated water and no water. The influence of pre⁃existing gas on later water invasion,the change ofreservoir wettability reduced by the thermal evolution and hydrocarbon generation of coal reservoir are the key factorsaffecting the water bearing of the reservoir. Due to the complexity of tectonic movement in China and the frequent oc⁃currence of late water intrusion,“saturated water in large pores and fractures and saturated gas in small pores” maybe the occurrence state of most coal reservoir gas and water. This state of occurrence of gas and water can effectivelyexplain the argument that “ saturated water in coal reservoir is not applicable to the Lan’ s adsorption theory”in the geological theory of coalbed methane,and it also determines that the influence of capillary force should be con⁃sidered in the analysis of gas content of coal reservoir. In addition,the coal reservoir is a low⁃porosity and low⁃permea⁃bility reservoir,and the early stage of drainage and production is generally single⁃phase flow,so the drainage and pro⁃duction process of coalbed methane needs to determine and consider the influence of start⁃up pressure gradient. Tosum up,it should carry out the study on the wettability of coal reservoir under the condition of coal⁃water⁃methane,study the influence of hydrocarbon generation and pre⁃existing gas on reservoir water content,and re⁃recognize the wa⁃ter bearing capacity of coal reservoir. Based on the studies above,to further describe the occurrence and productionprocess of coalbed methane may be a key to solve the problem of low production of coalbed methane,especially medi⁃um and high rank coalbed methane in China.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coalbed methane;water⁃bearing characteristics of coal reservoir; wettability of coal; critical desorptionpressure;production mechanism

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张松航,唐书恒,孟尚志,等. 煤储层含水性及其对煤层气产出的控制机理[J].煤炭学报,2023,48(S1):171-184.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Songhang, TANG Shuheng,MENG Shangzhi,et al. Water⁃bearing characteristics of coal reservoirs andits control mechanism on coalbed methane production [ J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2023, 48 ( S1):171-184
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