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  • Title

    Study on overlying strata containing primary fractures migration and spatial-temporal characteristics of water gushing (leaching) caused by mining field disturbance

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Yangyang;ZHU Huicong;ZHANG Shichuan;HUANG Shuxiang;LI Mingsong;ZHANG Haozheng;WANG Yitong

  • 单位

    山东科技大学 能源与矿业工程学院山东能源集团 西北矿业有限公司中国矿业大学(北京) 国家煤矿水害防治工程技术研究中心

  • Organization
    College of Energy and Mining Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology
    Xibei Mining Co., Ltd, Shandong Energy Group
    National Coal Mine Water Hazard Prevention Engineering Technology Research Center, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
  • 摘要

    陕西彬长矿区上覆巨厚、高承压、中~强富水性的洛河组含水层,且覆岩内裂隙发育,使导水通道更易沟通洛河组含水层和采场,导致采场内涌水量及面积增大。为对采动影响下原生裂隙沟通巨厚洛河组含水层及采动裂隙形成导水通道网络诱发涌水形态特征进行研究,基于覆岩涌水溃砂相似模拟物理试验系统开展固−流耦合相似材料模拟试验。研究结果表明:当工作面推进至140 m时,离层下位岩层受原生裂隙影响发生超前破断,破断点左侧残缺离层空间和右侧悬臂梁支撑形成的三角形空间贯通形成“Z”形离层空间;工作面推进至160 m时,覆岩中发育2个“Z”形离层空间,且均与原生裂隙、采动裂隙互相贯通形成导水通道网络;采场涌(淋)水形态发生“滴水−滴流−流水−多元态”的转变,整体涌(淋)水量呈现先增大后减小的趋势;采场顶板覆岩水压与工作面推进距离呈现先减小后增大的分段式演化特征,最小值区间及分段拐点出现位置均随监测点与开切眼距离的增大而延后,采空区中心区域附近最终水压值大于2个边界监测点。分析结果表明:原生裂隙的存在促进了导水裂隙通道网络的发育,进而加快了水运移进程,诱导采场涌(淋)水现象的形成和发展。研究结果阐明了原生裂隙对覆岩运移破断发育导水通道网络展布特征及采场涌(淋)水形态演化规律的影响方式,解释了巨厚、高承压含水层水向采场涌突的导通机制。

  • Abstract

    The super-thick, high-pressure, medium-strong water-rich Luohe Formation aquifer is overlying in the Binchang mining area of Shanxi Province, and the fractures in the overlying rock are developed, it makes the water channel easier to communicate with the aquifer and stope of Luohe Formation, resulting in the increase of water inflow and area in the stope. In order to study the morphological characteristics of water inrush induced by the network of water-conducting channels formed by primary fractures communicating with the aquifer of the thick Luohe Formation under the influence of mining, the solid-flow coupling similar material simulation test was carried out based on the similar simulation physical experiment system of water-sand inrush in overburden rock. The results show that when the working face is advanced to 140 m, the lower strata of the bed separation are broken in advance due to the influence of the primary fractures. The left incomplete bed separation space and the triangular space formed by the right cantilever beam support form the “Z” bed separation space. When the working face is advanced to 160 m, two “Z-type” bed separation spaces are developed in the overlying strata, which are interconnected with the primary fractures and mining-induced fractures to form a water channel network. The form of gushing (leaching) water in the stope changed from ‘ drip-drip and flow-flow-multi-state ’, and the overall gushing (leaching) water volume increased first and then decreased. The water pressure of overlying strata and the advancing distance of the working face show a segmented evolution characteristic of decreasing first and then increasing. The minimum interval and the position of the inflection point of the segmentation increase with the increase of the distance between the monitoring point and the open-off cut. The final water pressure values near the central area of the goaf are greater than the two boundary monitoring points. The analysis results show that the existence of primary fractures promotes the development of water-conducting fracture channel network, accelerates the process of water transport, and induces the formation and development of water gushing (leaching) in the stope. The research results clarify the influence of primary fractures on the distribution characteristics of water conduction channel network and the evolution law of water gushing (leaching) form morphology, and explain the conduction mechanism of thick and high confined aquifer water to stope water inrush.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    primary fracture;water channel;solid-fluid coupling;similar material;water gush (leaching) form;overlying strata migration

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家自然科学基金资助项目(51974173, 52004147);山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2020QE129)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李杨杨,朱慧聪,张士川,等. 采动诱发的含原生裂隙覆岩运移及涌(淋)水时空特征分析[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(7):129−139
  • Citation
    LI Yangyang,ZHU Huicong,ZHANG Shichuan,et al. Study on overlying strata containing primary fractures migration and spatial-temporal characteristics of water gushing (leaching) caused by mining field disturbance[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(7):129−139
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    • 覆岩涌水溃砂相似模拟物理实验系统

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