• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress on viscosity change law and rheological properties ofthe oil⁃coal slurry

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Guangyao;ZHAO Yuan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Research Institute Corporation Ltd.
    National Energy Technology & Equipment Laboratory of Coal Utilization and Emission Control
    School of Chemical & Enviromental Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology⁃Beijing
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Coal⁃to⁃liquids (CTL) technology is an important part of the national energy security strategy and a strate⁃gic measure to promote the transformation and upgrading of coal consumption. Furthermore, the research on the vis⁃cosity change rule and rheological properties of oil⁃coal slurry is a vital basic scientific issue involved in the develop⁃ment of CTL technology. It can provide theoretical guidance and technical support for the optimum design and opera⁃tion conditions of the preparation, transportation, pressurization, and heating process of oil⁃coal slurry. Based onthe properties of raw materials and technological conditions, the research on the viscosity change law and rheologicalproperties of oil⁃coal slurry was reviewed. The effects of solvent properties, coal metamorphism, coal maceral, min⁃erals, swelling, coal pulverized content, coal particle size, water content in coal, pulping temperature, and reac⁃tion products on the viscosity change law of oil⁃coal slurry were systematically introduced. The research progress of therheological properties of the oil⁃coal slurry was reviewed, and the research direction of viscosity change and rheologi⁃cal properties of the oil⁃coal slurry was summarized to provide a reference for the development of the CTL industry. Atpresent, certain progress has been made in the research on the viscosity change law of oil⁃coal slurry. The viscosity ofthe oil⁃coal slurry is affected by comprehensive conditions such as the properties of solvents, the nature of coal, andpulping conditions. By optimizing the particle size system of coal powder, the viscosity of oil⁃coal slurry can be effec⁃tively reduced, and the establishment of a viscosity⁃temperature characteristic curve of oil⁃coal slurry is helpful toguide the operation of industrial equipment. Research on the viscosity variation of oil⁃coal slurry under normal temper⁃ature and pressure is sufficient, but there is a lack of relevant research on the heating stage and high temperaturestage of the reaction process. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out further research on the viscosity variation law andthe mechanism of viscose⁃temperature characteristics of oil⁃coal slurry in the heating stage and high temperature stage.The rheological properties of oil⁃coal slurry have a significant relationship with the properties of raw materials. Therheological types of oil⁃coal slurry are affected by various factors such as coal type, temperature, particle size distri⁃bution, shear rate, etc. In other words, the oil⁃coal slurry system shows different fluid characteristics in differentshear rate ranges. The addition of pulverized coal makes the slurry have obvious structural characteristics, resulting ina certain degree of yield stress or elasticity. However, the current research on the rheological properties of oil⁃coalslurry is still relatively macroscopic, and advanced experimental techniques and characterization methods need to bedeveloped to achieve in⁃situ dynamic characterization of the microstructure of oil⁃coal slurry, and then explain itsmacroscopic physico⁃chemical changes. In the future, it is necessary to further promote the development of viscositytest standards and standard equipment for high⁃temperature and high⁃pressure oil⁃coal slurry, deeply and systemati⁃cally study the influence of solvent composition and structural characteristics on the viscosity of oil⁃coal slurry and therules of rheological characteristics, develop new oil⁃coal slurry viscosity reduction and concentration technology, andbuild a prediction model for oil⁃coal slurry viscosity based on the characteristics of raw material components. The sta⁃bility of oil⁃coal slurry transportation, the characteristics of pipeline transportation, and the inhibition of high temper⁃ature wall coking tendency will be mainly studied.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    oil⁃coal slurry; apparent viscosity; rheological behavior; viscosity⁃temperature characteristics; swell⁃ing effect; material properties; process condition; shear rate

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    王光耀, 赵渊. 油煤浆黏度变化规律及流变特性研究进展 [J]. 煤质技术, 2023, 38 (3): 11-19.
  • Citation
    WANG Guangyao, ZHAO Yuan. Research progress on viscosity change law and rheological properties of the oil⁃coalslurry [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2023, 38 (3): 11-19.
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