Multibeam sonar image mosaic method based on PCNN and blending weighted fusion
QU Meng;GAO Xingguo;WANG Feng;YAN Xunpeng;YANG Fanlin
Multibeam sonar images are one of the main data sources for seafloor sediment classification and target detection. However, there are still residual errors in backscatter intensity after correcting, and image mosaics are needed to reduce the impact of residual errors to build a large-area sonar image. This paper proposed an image mosaic method combining pulse coupled neural network(PCNN) and blending weighted method in the non-subsampled shearlet transform(NSST) domain to eliminate seam lines and fuse information. Firstly, the single sonar image was decomposed by NSST and the low-frequency terms were fused according to the blending weighted method while the high-frequency terms were fused according to PCNN. The results show that in terms of seam line elimination, the mean difference of backscatter on both sides of the seam lines after the mosaic reduced from -6.18 to -1.29 dB. In terms of information fusion, the information entropy in the mosaic result was increased by 2.5% compared with the blending weighted method, and the spatial frequency was increased by 31.6%. The proposed method can effectively fuse the texture information of adjacent strips while weakening the seam lines, thus realizing the mosaic of multibeam sonar images.
multibeam echosounder system; image mosaic; blending weighted fusion; NSST; PCNN
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会