• 全部
  • Title

    Flexible magnetic suction impermeable membrane of vertical curtain water interception technology for strong seepage loose layer of coal mines

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Hai;HUANG Xuanming;ZHANG Yan;CAO Haidong;SUN Hao;MIAO Hechao;TIAN Zenglin

  • 单位

    中煤科工西安研究院(集团)有限公司中国矿业大学 资源与地球科学学院国家能源集团内蒙古平庄煤业(集团)有限责任公司

  • Organization
    Xi’an Research Institute, China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corp.
    College of Resources and Earth Sciences, China University of Mining and Technology
    Inner Mongolia Pingzhuang Coal Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    我国矿产资源丰富,矿业种类多,矿山数量多,矿业开发导致矿区周边地下水位下降、水资源浪费、水质污染、地表塌陷、土地退化、植被覆盖度减少、地下水资源和生态环境受到不同程度影响。为解决矿山强渗松散层水侧向补给矿坑引起的水资源浪费和生态环境破坏问题,保护矿山地下水资源和生态环境,提出了柔性磁吸防渗膜垂向帷幕截水技术,研究了防渗膜材料性能,研发了磁吸防渗膜连接工艺,开展了不同防渗膜连接工艺室内试验,并在试验矿区进行了1 369 m的强渗松散层截水帷幕现场试验应用。研究结果表明:防渗膜渗透系数低、结构致密、柔软、抗变形、经久耐用,是截流、控污、防渗的良好材料,可满足矿山强渗松散层垂向帷幕要求。研发的磁吸接头材料及连接工艺解决了现有叠覆搭接、连接锁、接头箱等连接工艺的铺设深度浅、接头渗漏、操作复杂等问题,磁吸接头连接的防渗膜帷幕施工深度不受连接条件的限制,磁吸接头连接工艺截水效果优于叠覆搭接和连接锁(接头箱)连接工艺。进行了自带磁和后充磁2种柔性磁吸防渗膜制作、铺设、连接和帷幕回填成墙试验,防渗膜接头处缝隙由5~20 cm减小为0,相邻两幅防渗膜紧密的连接为有机整体,减少了接头处截水帷幕的过水通道。通过开展矿山强渗松散层柔性磁吸防渗膜垂向帷幕截水试验,试验区帷幕位置下方长期积满强渗松散层渗漏水的集水坑已干涸,帷幕外侧强渗松散层水位升高5.55~9.12 m,帷幕内侧强渗松散层水位降低3.21~5.84 m,强渗松散层水资源保护取得良好效果。
  • Abstract
    With abundant mineral resources, many types of mining industry and many mines, mining development in China has led to the decline of groundwater level around the mines, waste of water resources, water quality pollution, surface collapse, land degradation, reduction of vegetation cover, and different degrees of impact on groundwater resources and ecological environment. In order to solve the problems of water waste and ecological damage caused by the lateral recharge of water from the strong seepage loose layer to the mine pit, we proposed a vertical curtain water interception technology with flexible magnetic suction membrane to protect the groundwater resources and ecological environment of coal mines. We firstly studied the performance of the suction membrane material, developed the magnetic absorption suction membrane connection process, and carried out indoor tests of different suction membrane connection processes, then we conducted a 1 369 m strong seepage loose layer water interception curtain field test application in the test mine. The research results show that the impermeable membrane has low permeability coefficient, dense structure, high flexibility, resistance to deformation and durability, and is a good material for water cut, pollution control and seepage control, which can meet the requirements of vertical curtain for the strong seepage loose layer of the mine. The self-developed magnetic suction joint material and connection process solved the problems of shallow laying depth, joint leakage and complicated operation of existing connection processes such as overlapping lap, joint lock and joint box, etc. The construction depth of suction membrane curtain connected by magnetic suction joint is not limited by the connection conditions, and the water interception effect of magnetic suction joint connection process is better than that of overlapping lap and joint lock (joint box) connection process. Through the test of making, laying, connecting and backfilling the curtain into a wall with 2 kinds of flexible magnetic absorbent impermeable membranes, the gap at the joint of the impermeable membrane was reduced from 5-20 cm to 0, and the two adjacent impermeable membranes were closely connected as an organic whole, which reduced the water passage of the interception curtain at the joint. Through the mine-field site test, it was found that the water catchment pits below the curtain which had been filled with strong seepage loose layer water leakage for a long time, had dried up, and the water level of strong seepage loose layer outside the curtain had increased by 5.55-9.12 m, and the water level inside the curtain had decreased by 3.21-5.84 m, so the protection of strong seepage loose layer water resources had achieved good results.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    water-preserved mining;strong seepage;loose layer;flexibility;magnetic suction impermeable membrane;vertical curtain

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    王 海,黄选明,张 雁,等. 矿山强渗松散层柔性磁吸防渗膜垂向帷幕截水技术研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(9):180−188
  • Citation
    WANG Hai,HUANG Xuanming,ZHANG Yan,et al. Flexible magnetic suction impermeable membrane of vertical curtain water interception technology for strong seepage loose layer of coal mines[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(9):180−188
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