• 全部
  • Title

    Influence mechanism of Na-K synergism on the evolution of NOxin wet NO reduction

  • 作者


  • Author

    SHAO Ranlei;HAN Shiwang;XUAN Chengbo;WANG Luyuan;ZHANG Xingyu;CHENG Xingxing;WANG Zhiqiang

  • 单位

    齐鲁工业大学(山东科学院) 能源与动力工程学部山东大学 能源与动力工程学院

  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The flue gas absorption test was simulated using KMnO4 and NaClO2 as oxidants, and the effects of single alkaline absorptionsolutions and Na-K synergistic absorption solutions on the removal of NOx from flue gas were investigated. Trace amounts of SO2-3 ions wereintroduced during the process to further optimize the absorption efficiency. The results indicate that the performance of KOH alkaline solution is significantly higher than that of NaOH. The average absorption rate of KOH within 30 minutes of absorption is as high as 99.4%,while NaOH only achieves an average absorption rate of 86.9%. This difference can be attributed to the larger ionic radius of K+ ions,which facilitates the dissociation of OH- ions. When using 0.1 mol/ L KMnO4 as the oxidant and a two-component absorption solution (n(Na) ∶ n(K)= 1 ∶ 2), the efficiency is higher and more stable, reaching 86% even after 30 minutes. It is due to the charge transfereffect of bimetallic ions, which results in the rapid rupture of the gas film when gas-phase reactants transfer to the liquid phase, reducingthe diffusion time between the gas and liquid phases. This phenomenon has been thoroughly confirmed through density functional theory(DFT) simulation calculations. The average absorption rate is increased by 3% by introducing trace amounts of SO2-3 ions into the absorption solution, demonstrating that SO2-3 ions further promote the absorption and conversion of nitrate species.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Na-K synergy;wet denitrification;NO peroxidation;ion chromatography

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 材料和方法

       1.1 试验装置和材料

       1.2 色谱条件的确定

       1.3 试验条件

    2 结果和讨论

       2.1 去离子水、NaOH和KOH吸收剂对未预氧化NOx的吸收性能

       2.2 预氧化剂的选择

       2.3 不同种类吸收液对NOx吸收性能的影响

       2.4 吸收液浓度对NOx吸收性能的影响

       2.5 添加SO2对脱硝效率的影响

       2.6 添加Na2SO3对脱硝效率的影响

    3 离子色谱测定吸收液中阴离子浓度

       3.1 碱液中离子性质的变化

       3.2 添加SO2碱液中离子性质的变化

       3.3 添加Na2SO3碱液中离子性质的变化

       3.4 吸收液脱硝反应机理探究及反应热计算

    4 结论

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    邵然磊,韩世旺,玄承博,等.Na-K 协同作用对湿法脱硝 NOx 演化过程的影响机制[J].洁净煤技术,2023,29(10):166-175.
  • Citation
    SHAO Ranlei,HAN Shiwang,XUAN Chengbo,et al.Influence mechanism of Na-K synergism on the evolution of NOx inwet NO reduction[J].Clean Coal Technology,2023,29(10):166-175.
  • 图表
    • 反应过程中能量变化

    图(12) / 表(0)


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