Research progress of sodium migration and transformation duringcombustion of Zhundong coals in China
MA Rui;WEI Bo;FAN Weidong;YAO Qiang;TAN Houzhang;YAO Hong;ZHU Quan;WU Xiaojiang;KONG Chengdong;MA Xiaojing
新疆大学 电气工程学院上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院新疆大学 碳基能源资源化学与利用省部共建国家重点实验室新疆大学 化工学院新疆维吾尔自治区煤炭清洁转化与化工过程重点实验室清华大学 热学与动力工程教育部重点实验室西安交通大学 热流科学与工程教育部重点实验室华中科技大学 煤燃烧国家重点实验室新疆大学 化工学院四川大学 化学工程学院
In recent years, the discovery of a large number of low-ranking Zhundong Coalfield in the Junggar Basin in western China hasattracted extensive attention from scholars. The Zhundong Coalfield is the largest whole coal field discovered in China, with proven reservesof more than 390 billion tons, enough to supply China′s coal consumption for nearly 100 years. Zhundong coals, characterized by low ash,low sulfur, high reactivity, large reserves and easy exploitation, is a high-quality fuel for future coal chemical industry and coal powerprojects. However, the content of alkali metal sodium in Zhundong coals is relatively high, and sodium is easy to volatilize during combustion, resulting in a series of problems such as boiler fouling and slagging, especially sodium chloride and sodium sulfate migrationwill cause a series of ash-related problems, a serious constraint on the large-scale, efficient and clean utilization of Zhundong coal. Thus,the distribution and coal quality characteristics of Zhundong coals, as well as the occurrence and measurement methods of sodium contentwere reviewed in detail. The internal and external migration mechanism of sodium and the effects of inorganic elements such as aluminosilicate, chlorine, calcium and potassium in coal on sodium migration were highlighted. The effects of reaction conditions such as temperature, pressure, atmosphere, particle size and additives on sodium migration were comprehensively reviewed. Although a number of studiesincluding experiments, heat balance calculation and simulation have been carried out, the ash-related problems caused by alkali metal release have not been solved, and the understanding of the causes is not comprehensive enough. Therefore, the focus of this study is to review the research progress and reveal the mechanism of sodium migration.
Zhundong coal;Na;combustion;migration and conversion
0 引言
1 准东煤中钠的含量及赋存形式
1.1 准东煤的分布及煤质特性
1.2 准东煤中钠的赋存形式
1.3 准东煤中钠含量的测定
2 准东煤中钠的迁移机理
2.1 钠的内部迁移机理
2.2 钠的外部迁移机理
2.3 煤中无机元素对钠迁移的影响
3 热转化条件对钠迁移的影响
3.1 温度的影响
3.2 压力的影响
3.3 反应气氛的影响
3.4 煤颗粒粒径的影响
3.5 添加剂的影响
4 结语
5 展望
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会