Discussion of liquid level control method of slag pool in fixed⁃bed liquidslagging gasifier
CHEN Jiangming;WANG Xueyun;ZHANG Botao
China Coal Research Institute Corporation Ltd.
National Energy Technology & Equipment Laboratory of Coal Utilization and Emission Control
Beijing Key Laboratory of Coal Based Carbon Materials
Fixed⁃bed liquid slagging gasifier adopts pressurized gasification and liquid slag discharge technology.Compared with other fixed⁃bed processes, slagging gasifier has considerable advantages, such as higher gasifica⁃tion temperature, efficiency, effective gas content, significantly reduced steam consumption and wastewateroutput. Liquid slag control is the most important task for stable operation of the slagging gasifier. Therefore, it isof great significance to study the liquid level control method of slag pool in slagging gasifier. In order to ensure thesmooth discharge of liquid slag from fixed⁃bed slagging gasifier, the control method of liquid slag discharge is put for⁃ward by studying the influence of factors such as raw coal quality, fluxing medium ratio, vapor⁃oxygen ratio, burnerflame temperature, slag discharge control parameter setting and operation experience on the discharge of gasifier. Theresults show that the ash melting temperature of the liquid slag can be reduced by controlling the CaO content between35% and 40%, and the fluidity of the liquid slag can be ensured by controlling the viscosity of the liquid slag at 1-3 Pa·s by adjusting the limestone ratio. The temperature of the nozzle flame affects the temperature of the liquid slagat the slag discharge outlet. When the temperature is controlled between 1 700 ℃ and 1 750 ℃, the liquid slag fluid⁃ity is the best. The vapor⁃oxygen ratio also has an important influence on the slag temperature. Low vapor⁃oxygen ratiowill aggravate the combustion reaction and increase the reaction temperature of gasifier. The vapor⁃oxygen ratio can bejudged by the color of slag, and the best vapor⁃oxygen ratio is controlled at 0. 88-0. 92 kg / Nm3. When the gasifierruns stably, the slagging time is controlled as the forbidden slagging time ( T1 ) is 120 - 200 s, the allowedslagging time ( T2 ) is 100 s, the slagging time ( T3 ) is 30 - 40 s, the activated slagging pressure difference is45 kPa, and the slagging pool pressure difference is controlled in 47-49 kPa. This study summarizes the practicalexperience of industrial production, expounds the influencing factors of liquid molten slag, the control ways and con⁃trol methods of liquid molten slag, and optimizes the slag discharge control of liquid slagging gasifier, provides theo⁃retical and operational basis for the operation of gasifier.
slagging gasifier; level control method of slag pool; slag viscosity; ash⁃melting temperature; vapor⁃ox⁃ygen ratio; slagging time; factors
陈江明, 王学 云, 张 波 涛. 固 定 床 液 态 熔 渣 气 化 炉 渣 池 液 位 控 制 方 法 探 究 [ J]. 煤 质 技 术, 2023,38 (5): 43-50.
CHEN Jiangming, WANG Xueyun, ZHANG Botao. Discussion of liquid level control method of slag pool in fixed⁃bed liquid slagging gasifier [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2023, 38 (5): 43-50.