• 全部
  • Title

    Progress on the removal of oxidized contaminants from groundwaterusing gaseous alkane-based MBfR

  • 作者


  • Author

    WU Danni;OUYANG Simi;LIANG Bojun;GUO Xu;ZHAO Heping;LAI Chunyu

  • Organization
    College of Environmental and Resource Science, Zhejiang University
  • 摘要
    随着社会不断发展,民众对饮用水质量的要求日益提高。 地下水作为重要的饮用水来源,正面临严峻的氧化态污染物污染问题。 近年来,一种以气态烷烃作为电子供体的膜生物膜反应器(Membrane Biofilm Reactor,MBfR)技术在处理地下水中氧化态污染物方面展现出良好的效果与优势。 本文首先阐述了气态烷烃基质 MBfR 去除氧化态污染物的工作原理及其技术特点。 其次,论述了气态烷烃基质 MBfR 还原硝酸盐、高氯酸盐等不同种类氧化态污染物的可行性与有效性。 随后,列举了气态烷烃驱动氧化态污染物还原过程中烷烃氧化菌、污染物还原菌等核心功能菌及相关功能酶,并阐明了其中的微生物作用机制。 最后,提出了该技术在应用推广方面所面临的挑战,并阐述了相应的解决思路。 本文为地下水中氧化态污染物的绿色、低碳控制提供了新的思路,对天然气利用及地下水修复的新技术研发具有重要的理论指导意义。
  • Abstract
    With the development of society, there is an increasing demand for high-quality drinkingwater. Groundwater, as an important drinking water source, is facing a serious issue of pollution fromoxidized contaminants. In recent years, the gaseous alkane-based membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR)has demonstrated exceptional efficacy and advantages in treating oxidized contaminants in groundwater.This review elucidates the underlying principles and technical characteristics of the gaseous alkane based MBfR in the bioreduction of oxidized contaminants.Additionally, the feasibility and effectivenessof this approach in degrading various types of oxidized contaminants, including perchlorate and nitrate,are discussed. Furthermore, the related functional enzymes and core microorganisms, such as alkaneoxidizing bacteria and contaminant-reducing bacteria, are elucidated in the gaseous alkane-driven oxi⁃dized contaminants reduction process, and the microbiological mechanisms involved in this process areilluminated. Finally, we propose the challenges encountered by this technique in practical application,and shed light on corresponding solutions. This review not only provides novel insights for green and lowcarbon management of oxidized pollutants in groundwater, but also bears significant theoretical implica⁃tions for the utilization of natural gas and development of new technologies for groundwater remediation.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Gaseousalkanes; Membranebiofilmreactor; Oxidizedpollutants; Microbiologicalmechanism;Composite pollution

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    吴丹妮, 欧阳思蜜, 梁柏均, 等. 气态烷烃基质膜生物膜反应器去除地下水中氧化态污染物研究进展[J].
  • Citation
    能源环境保护, 2023, 37(5): 36-46.WU Danni, OUYANG Simi, LIANG Bojun, et al. Progress on the removal of oxidized contaminants from groundw⁃ater using gaseous alkane-based MBfR[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(5): 36-46.
  • 相关专题

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