• 全部
  • Title

    Method and strategy analysis of sludge treatment and resource utilizationin urban drinking water treatment plants

  • 作者


  • Author

    LUO Zhenning;XU Bin;TANG Yulin;HE Huan;ZHU Bin;ZHANG Tianyang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Key Laboratory of Urban Water Supply, Water Saving and Water Environment Governance in the YangtzeRiver Delta of Ministry of Water Resources, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University
    Shanghai Chengtou Water Group Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    城市给水厂产生的污泥量大、有机物含量低、无机污染风险高,其绿色低碳处理和资源化利用已成为我国供水行业实现“双碳”目标进程中亟待解决的重要问题之一。 本文从国家行业政策与给水厂污泥性质等方面进行了讨论分析,并归纳了处理方法和资源化利用发展趋势。 目前,常用的给水厂污泥处理方法包括水体排放、市政排污和陆地填埋等。 然而,这些方法存在环境风险、堵塞设施、占用土地、碳排放量大等难题。 基于城市给水厂污泥的特性,其潜在的资源化利用方法包括合成吸附材料、混凝/ 沉淀材料、再生盐材料、建筑材料和农林材料等。 若能突破上述关键技术,实现给水厂污泥从“处理”到“资源化利用”的途径转变,将对我国城市供水行业的绿色低碳运行起到重要推动作用。
  • Abstract
    The sludge produced by urban drinking water treatment plants has a high yield, low organiccontent, and a high risk of inorganic pollution. Its green and low-carbon treatment, as well as resourceutilization, has become urgent issues in achieving the " dual-carbon" goals in China's water supply in⁃dustry. This paper discusses and analyzes national industry policies and the characteristics of sludgefrom drinking water treatment plants, and summarizes the treatment methods and development trends inresource utilization. Currently, commonly used treatment methods for drinking water treatment plantsludge include water body discharge, municipal sewage discharge, and landfilling, which present envi⁃ronmental risks, facility clogging, land occupation, and significant carbon emissions. Based on thecharacteristics of sludge from urban drinking water treatment plants, potential methods for resource uti⁃lization include the production of synthetic adsorption materials, coagulation / precipitation materials,regenerated salt materials, construction materials, and agroforestry materials. Breaking through theaforementioned key technologies to realize the transformation of drinking water treatment plant sludgefrom " treatment" to " resource utilization" will play a crucial role in promoting the green and low-car⁃bon operation of China's urban water supply industry.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Drinking water treatment plant; Sludge; Inorganic matter; Resource utilization

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    罗振宁, 徐斌, 唐玉霖, 等. 城市给水厂污泥处理与资源化利用途径及策略分析[J]. 能源环境保护,2023, 37(5): 99-109.
  • Citation
    LUO Zhenning, XU Bin, TANG Yulin, et al. Method and strategy analysis of sludge treatment and resource utili⁃zation in urban drinking water treatment plants[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(5): 99-109.
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