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  • Title

    Evolution law of air leakage and oxidation characteristics of surrounding coal body in bedding gas extraction

  • 作者


  • Author

    HE Haihong;TANG Hong;LIU Hua;GUO Jun

  • 单位

    陕西彬长矿业集团有限公司,陕西 咸阳 712000西安科技大学 安全科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710054

  • Organization
    Shaanxi Binchang Mining Group Co., Ltd.
    College of Safety Science and Engineering, Xi’an University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要
    为探究原煤层瓦斯抽采钻孔周边煤体裂隙的发育及漏风导致钻孔内煤自燃问题,采用理论分析、现场测试、室内实验测试相结合的方法,分析了钻孔开挖后钻孔破碎区内的裂隙分布特征,借助SF6示踪气体开展了抽采钻孔进行漏风测定的原位试验,揭示了瓦斯预抽过程中钻孔周边煤体的漏风规律;并采用程序升温-气相色谱联用实验,以某矿215工作面煤样为研究对象,研究了不同供风量条件下煤自燃特性参数随风量的变化规律;得出了耗氧速率、CO产生率等氧化特性参数随煤温和风量变化的函数关系式。结果表明:瓦斯抽采钻孔周边漏风途径主要分为巷道煤壁侧漏风、钻孔裂隙漏风及封孔段漏风;定量得出抽采钻孔周边最小漏风速率介于0.19~0.68 m/min之间,平均漏风速率为0.41 m/min,钻孔的漏风范围大于4.35 m;供风量对煤自然特性参数有着促进的作用。
  • Abstract
    To explore the development of coal seam fractures around gas extraction borehole and the issue of self-ignition caused by air leakage, a combination of theoretical analysis, field testing, and laboratory experiments was used. The distribution characteristics of cracks in the crushed zone after borehole excavation were analyzed. An in-situ test using SF6 tracer gas was conducted to measure air leakage in the gas extraction borehole, revealing the law of air leakage around the gas extraction borehole during the process of gas pre-extraction. Using a program for temperature increase and gas chromatography combined experiment, the self-ignition characteristic parameters of coal under different air supply rates were studied as a research object of the 215 working face in a certain mine, and the functional relationship formula between oxygen consumption rate, CO generation rate, and coal temperature and air supply rate was obtained. The results showed that the main ways of air leakage around the gas extraction borehole were side leakage of roadway coal wall, drilling fracture leakage, and sealing section leakage. The minimum air leakage rate around the gas extraction borehole was quantitatively obtained between 0.19 m/min and 0.68 m/min, with an average air leakage rate of 0.41 m/min, and the range of air leakage in the borehole was greater than 4.35 m. The air supply rate had a promoting effect on the natural characteristics parameters of coal.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal spontaneous combustion;gas extraction;drilling air leakage;air leakage law;influence law

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    贺海鸿,唐洪,刘华,等. 顺层瓦斯抽采周边煤体漏风及氧化特性变化规律研究[J]. 煤矿安全,2023,54(10):63−71.
  • Citation
    HE Haihong, TANG Hong, LIU Hua, et al. Evolution law of air leakage and oxidation characteristics of surrounding coal body in bedding gas extraction[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(10): 63−71.
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