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  • Title

    Reflections and explorations on deep earth science and deep earth engineering technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    XIE Heping;ZHANG Ru;ZHANG Zetian;GAO Mingzhong;LI Cunbao;HE Zhiqiang;LI Cong;LIU Tao

  • 单位

    深圳大学 深地工程智能建造与健康运维全国重点实验室深圳大学 广东省深地科学与地热能开发利用重点实验室深圳大学 土木与交通工程学院深圳大学 深地科学与绿色能源研究院四川大学 水利水电学院四川大学 深地工程智能建造与健康运维全国重点实验室四川大学 新能源与低碳技术研究院

  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Construction and Healthy Operation and Maintenance of Deep Underground Engineering, Shenzhen University
    Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Deep Earth Sciences and Geothermal Energy Exploitation and Utilization, Shenzhen University
    College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University
    Institute of Deep Earth Sciences and Green Energy, Shenzhen University
    School of Water Resources and Hydropower, Sichuan University
    State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Construction and Healthy Operation and Maintenance of Deep Underground Engineering, Sichuan University
    Institute of New Energy and Low Carbon Technology, Sichuan University
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Deep earth science in the 21st century has entered a new stage of development. The laws of deep earth science have not yet been explored. Deep engineering activities generally have a certain degree of blindness, inefficiency and uncertainty, and the endogenous dynamics of the Earth's deep part, structural evolutionary laws, and disaster-causing mechanisms need to be further cognised. Therefore, this paper firstly defines deep earth science from the perspective of geoscience: the deep and ultra-deep layers of the earth are the research objects from the shallow earth to the deep, aiming at exploring the scientific mysteries of the earth's different layers and different depths of the earth (deep and ultra-deep); clarifies the difference and connection between the deep earth science and the earth science: that is to say, the deep earth science is an extension of the known knowledge system of the earth science, and it is the national strategic science and technology direction to expand the scientific horizons, and to deepen the earth's cognition. It is a national strategic scientific and technological direction to expand scientific vision and deepen earth knowledge, which is included in earth science; it defines the essence of deep and deep earth engineering science: that is, for the difficulties that the existing scientific laws and technologies of shallow engineering cannot be applied to deep engineering, it is necessary to explore the relevant scientific laws of deep engineering, break through the key basic scientific problems of deep engineering, and meet the demand for geo-disaster prevention and control of human beings in the activities of deep engineering, and then guide the safe, efficient, and green development of deep resources and effective utilization of the space of deep engineering; at the same time, it further clarifies the difference and connection between deep earth science and earth science. This article proposes the definition of deep earth engineering technology, which refers to the engineering implementation technology and equipment required by humans to utilize and develop the Earth, as well as the necessary theoretical and technical means to explore the laws of deep earth science and develop deep earth engineering. Finally, to promote the development of deep earth science, the research content and strategic planning of deep earth science, and the connotation of deep earth engineering technology, have been further clarified (geomechanics and disaster mechanism of deep-earth engineering, intelligent construction and efficient mining, intelligent construction of deep-earth tunnels and giant cavern groups, intelligent disaster prevention and control as well as healthy operation and maintenance of deep-earth engineering).
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    deep earth science;deep engineering science;deep earth engineering technology;earth science

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家自然科学基金资助项目(51827901,52125402, 52174084)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    谢和平,张茹,张泽天,等. 深地科学与深地工程技术探索与思考[J]. 煤炭学报,2023,48(11):3959−3978.
  • Citation
    XIE Heping,ZHANG Ru,ZHANG Zetian,et al. Reflections and explorations on deep earth science and deep earth engineering technology[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(11):3959−3978.
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