• 全部
  • Title

    Research on shear resistance and angle control of tube anchor cable inroof roadways of extra-thick coal seams

  • 作者


  • Author

    SHAN Renliang;WU Jingtong;LIU Shuai;LI Gengzhao;BAO Yongsheng;LIU Jinrong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering
    Jinneng Holding Shanxi Academy of Science and Technology Co.,Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Addressing issues such as extrusion and fragmentation of the surrounding rock at the top corner,end warping of the free section of the anchor cable under uneven combined load,and significant deformation of both sides in roadways along the roofs of extra-thick coal seams,this study focused on the 8204 roadway of the Tongxin mine.It employed field investigation,tensile and shear tests,FLAC3D numerical simulations and field industrial experiments.The research also involved the development and application of the shear-resistant anchor cable with C-shaped tube (ACC) for controlling sidewall and corner stability in such road⁃ways.Initially,tensile and shear tests were conducted to assess the bearing capacity of ACC;Subsequently,an analysis of the stress distribution within the roadway’s surrounding rock was carried out without considering the influence of the original rock stress;This analysis aimed to identify the reasons for the poor support effect of the original support scheme.Finally,in conjunction with the concept of reinforcing sidewalls and corners,this study proposed ACC sidewall and corner control technology and an optimized support scheme.Numerical simulations confirmed the effectiveness of the optimized scheme.A 300 m-long industrial experiment was conducted in the field,and the monitoring data showed that the deformation of the surrounding rock had been effectively controlled through the application of ACC sidewall and corner control technology.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    shear-resistant anchor cable with C-shaped tube;roadway support;supporting stress field;road⁃way in extra-thick coal seam;surrounding rock control;numerical simulation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录
    0 引言
    1 8204巷道概况
    1.1 原支护方案
    1.2 巷道围岩控制存在的问题
    1.3 巷道变形破坏原因及支护对策分析
    2 抗剪锚管索拉剪试验
    2.1 抗剪锚管索
    2.2 拉剪试验过程
    2.2.1 预制结构面制备
    2.2.2 试块安装
    2.2.3 加载条件
    2.3 试验结果
    2.3.1 剪切力随结构面剪切位移变化规律
    2.3.2 轴向力随结构面剪切位移变化规律
    3 预紧力对帮部岩体控制的数值模拟
    3.1 模型建立
    3.2 支护应力场分布对比
    4 抗剪锚管索帮角控制技术
    4.1 抗剪锚管索帮角控制支护方案设计
    4.2 模型及参数
    4.3 支护效果对比
    4.3.1 巷道围岩变形控制效果对比
    4.3.2 围岩拉应力区及拉伸破坏塑性区范围对比
    5 工业试验
    5.1 监测站及测点布置
    5.2 围岩变形控制效果对比
    6 结论
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    单仁亮,吴景铜,刘帅,等 . 特厚煤层沿顶巷道抗剪锚管索帮角控制技术研究[J]. 河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(6):1-10.doi:10.16186/j.cnki.1673-9787.2022060053
  • Citation
    SHAN R L,WU J T,LIU S,et al.Research on shear resistance and angle control of tube anchor cable in roof roadways of extra-thick coal seams[J]. Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science),2023,42(6):1-10. doi:10.16186/j.cnki.1673-9787.2022060053

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