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  • Title

    Research progress on total nitrogen removal for aquaculture wastewater

  • 作者


  • Author

    YOU Kun;QIN Fahui;LI Qian;GUO Jianlin;LIU Ying;XIAO Yan;LIU Dezhao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering,Shenyang Jianzhu University
    Zhejiang Institute of Freshwater Fisheries
    Key Laboratory of Equipment and Informatization in Environment ControlledAgriculture from Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Key Laboratory of IntelligentEquipment and Robotics for Agriculture of Zhejiang Province, Institute of AgriculturalBio-Environmental Engineering, Zhejiang University
    CCTEG Hangzhou Research Institute Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    水产养殖业在促进我国经济发展和保障食品供应安全等方面发挥着重要作用。 然而,近年来我国水产养殖业的迅猛发展导致每年大量废水和污染物的排放,给周边环境和近海带来严重污染。 针对水产养殖废水,生物脱氮技术因其绿色环保、经济可靠等优点而得到广泛研究和应用。 目前,大多工厂化养殖采用传统的好氧生物处理方法,注重氨氮的去除,往往忽略硝化反应带来的硝酸盐积累问题,进而导致水生生物如鱼类生长缓慢、免疫力下降等问题。 依靠周期性换水以降低三氮危害的主流方式显然不利于节水减排。 因此,必须追求经济高效的深度脱氮工艺,为水产养殖业的可持续发展提供可靠支持。 针对养殖废水的深度脱氮,在分析传统脱氮方式的基础上,主要介绍了好氧反硝化及同步硝化反硝化的最新进展及应用情况,探讨了其关键影响因素和功能微生物群的作用,并介绍了潜在的深度脱氮前沿技术,以期为我国水产养殖废水深度脱氮工程实践提供有效的指导和依据。
  • Abstract
    Aquaculture plays a significant role in promoting China′ s economic development andensuring the safety of the food supply. However, in recent years, the rapid development of China′s aq⁃uaculture industry has led to the discharge of a large amount of nitrogen-rich wastewater and pollutantsevery year. This has caused serious pollution in the surrounding environment and offshore areas. Re⁃garding aquaculture wastewater, biological denitrification technology has been widely studied and ap⁃plied due to its advantages in terms of green environmental protection, economic viability, and reliabili⁃ty. Currently, most industrial aquaculture operations rely on traditional aerobic biological treatmentmethods that primarily focus on removing ammonia nitrogen while often overlooking the issue of nitrateaccumulation caused by nitrification. As a result, problems such as slow fish growth and decreased im⁃munity among aquatic organisms arise. The mainstream approach of relying on periodic water exchangeto reduce the presence of the three forms of nitrogen is clearly not conducive to water conservation andemission reduction. Therefore, it is necessary to pursue an economic and efficient denitrification processthat can provide reliable support for the sustainable development of aquaculture in China. This paperprimarily focuses on analyzing traditional denitrification methods for aquaculture wastewater and intro⁃duces the latest advancements and applications of aerobic denitrification and simultaneous nitrificationand denitrification. The key influencing factors and the role of functional microbial populations are ana⁃lyzed, and potential cutting-edge technologies for cost-effective nitrogen removal are discussed. Thisstudy aims to provide effective guidance for the engineering practice of biological nitrogen removal fromaquaculture wastewater in China.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Aquaculture wastewater; Total nitrogen removal; Simultaneous nitrification and denitrifica⁃tion; Aerobic denitrification

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    由昆, 覃发挥, 李倩,等. 水产养殖废水深度脱氮研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(6): 64-78.
  • Citation
    YOU Kun, QIN Fahui, LI Qian, et al. Research progress on total nitrogen removal for aquaculture wastewater[J].Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(6): 64-78.
  • 相关专题

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