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  • Title

    Numerical simulation analysis of activated carbon injection adsorptionin flue gas purification application

  • 作者


  • Author

    YUAN Shizhen;GUO Qianqian;LU Rufei;;DENG Kai;CHEN Yingquan;CAO Cao;HU Yanjun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Jinhua Ningneng Thermal Power Company Limited
    Institute of Energy and Power Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology
  • 摘要
    掺烧污泥已成为燃煤电厂能源结构转型的手段之一。 本文基于浙江金华宁能热电厂现有燃煤烟气系统,提出在烟道系统增设活性炭喷射净化技术,基于 Fluent 模拟分析,从单喷口和多喷口的喷射点位置、喷射角度、喷射质量流量三个方面,对烟道中活性炭喷射分布均匀性等进行了数值模拟分析;并通过比较停留时间、扩散效果,分析了不同活性炭喷射方案下的喷射效果;最后,对活性炭喷射系统应用于烟气治理领域的影响及安全性进行了分析。 结果表明,相对于单喷口喷射,多喷口喷射的活性炭更加均匀,但成本更高。 对于单喷口喷射,当活性炭喷射点位置在烟道水平转垂直的弯头出口截面中心位置处时,扩散效果好,且活性炭停留时间长;当活性炭为顺流喷射、质量流量为 10 kg / h 时具有最高的经济效益。 对于多喷口喷射,活性炭质量流量为 15kg / h 时,活性炭吸附效果较好,但是成本更高。 单喷口和多喷口下都应选择顺流喷射,这样扩散面积相对更大,活性炭的扩散效果相对更好,并且在截面中分布相对均匀。 活性炭喷射系统应用于烟气治理领域对环境的影响较小,且安全性在可控范围内。
  • Abstract
    Sludge blending has become one of the means to transform the energy structure of coal-firedpower plants. Based on the existing coal-fired flue gas system of Zhejiang Jinhua Ningneng ThermalPower Plant, this paper proposed to add activated carbon injection purification technology in the fluegas system. Based on Fluent simulation and analysis, the numerical simulation analysis of theuniformity of the spray distribution of activated carbon in the flue gas was conducted from three aspects,such as the position of the spray point of single and multiple holes, the spray angle, and the mass flowrate of the spray, and the impact and safety of the activated carbon spraying system applied in the fieldof flue gas treatment were analyzed. The results showed that compared with single-nozzle injection,multi-nozzle injection could make the activated carbon distribution more uniform, but the cost washigher. For single-nozzle spraying, when the location of the spraying point was at the centre of the sec⁃tion from the horizontal elbow to the exit of the vertical elbow, the diffusion effect was good and the ac⁃tivated carbon had a long retention time. The economic efficiency was the highest when the spraying an⁃gle was selected to be parallel to the flue gas flow and the mass flow rate was selected to be 10 kg / h.For multiple-nozzle spraying, the adsorption effect of the activated carbon was better when the massflow rate was selected to be 15 kg / h, but the cost was higher. Whether it is single-nozzle injection ormulti-nozzle injection, parallel flue gas flow was chosen as the angle of activated carbon injection, inwhich the diffusion area was relatively large, the diffusion effect of activated carbon was relativelygood, and the distribution was relatively uniform in the cross-section. The application of activated car⁃bon injection system in the field of flue gas treatment has less impact on the environment and the safetyis within the controllable range.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Coal-fired; Sludge; Activated charcoal; Flue gas purification; Numerical simulation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    袁世震, 郭倩倩, 卢如飞, 等. 活性炭喷射吸附在烟气净化中应用的数值模拟分析[J]. 能源环境保护,2023, 37(6): 89-100.
  • Citation
    YUAN Shizhen, GUO Qianqian, LU Rufei, et al. Numerical simulation analysis of activated carbon injection ad⁃sorption in flue gas purification application[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(6): 89-100.
  • 相关专题

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