• 全部
  • Title

    Performance analysis of waste heat deep utilization of cement plantbased on carbon dioxide capture

  • 作者


  • Author

    XU Decao;LI Xiantao;LI Nan;WANG Yihan;CHEN Heng;PAN Peiyuan

  • 单位

    国网青海省电力公司2 国网青海省电力公司清洁能源发展研究院华北电力大学 能源动力与机械工程学院

  • Organization
    State Grid Qinghai Electric Power Company
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The dual carbon goal is a solemn commitment made by China to the world in the era of global carbon emission reduction, and itis also an inherent requirement for achieving sustainable development. As the third largest source of greenhouse gas emissions after power generation and steel industry, the cement industry should undertake the task of carbon reduction in the future. At present, the wasteheat utilization of cement kiln only stays in the power generation stage and does not meet the requirements of the times for further development and utilization. Therefore, a new integrated carbon capture cement kiln waste heat utilization multigeneration system was proposed.Revenues from sales of electricity, heat and cooling are used to offset the investment costs of expensive carbon capture. The use of wasteheat from cement production is not sufficient to cover all carbon capture costs, but it can meet some CO2 capture costs, so that an appropriate carbon capture rate (18.89%) can be determined. The proposed new system can be divided into two modes. In the heating mode,5.52 MW of energy can be recovered from the carbon capture process, and the overall exergic efficiency reaches 10.28% and 10.71%. Inthe cooling mode, 3.66 MW of energy is recovered to drive the absorption refrigeration system to provide 0.82 MW of cooling capacity.Economic analysis shows that the annual revenue of the system reaches 20.491 3 million yuan, while the carbon capture cost (ηCOA) is aslow as 281.54 yuan/ t (in CO2). This will provide a feasible reference for cement production to meet the carbon reduction requirements inthe future, further utilize the waste heat of cement plants and reduce the investment in carbon capture.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    cement plant;coal-fired power plant;carbon dioxide capture;waste heat utilization;system integration and optimization

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    许德操,李显桃,李楠,等.基于碳捕集的水泥窑余热深度利用系统性能分析[ J]. 洁净煤技术,2023,29(11):99-112.
  • Citation
    XU Decao,LI Xiantao,LI Nan,et al.Performance analysis of waste heat deep utilization of cement plant based on carbon dioxide capture[J].Clean Coal Technology,2023,29(11):99-112.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 案例水泥窑常规余热利用系统示意

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