• 全部
  • Title

    Generation and reinforcement mechanism of synergy effect of co-gasification of biomass and coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    DING Liang;RUAN Yun;BAI Bin;ZHAO Shengguo;WANG Zhiqing;FANG Yitian

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xi’an Shiyou University
    State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The catalytic role of alkali metals in biomass is the fundamental reason for the synergistic effect in co-gasification. However, the presence of minerals in coal can result in the deactivation of these alkali metals by forming some non-catalytic compounds, such as aluminosili-cates, inhibiting their catalytic effect. Therefore, in order to partially suppress the deactivation of biomass alkali metals and enhance the synergistic effect during co-gasification, the co-gasifica-tion reactivity and synergy effect of wheat straw and Jincheng anthracite were investigated in this study by conducting the steam gasification of the co-pyrolyzed char in a fixed bed reactor. Calci-um-based additives were incorporated in order to enhance the synergy effect and improve the co-gasification rate. The gasification behavior of the co-pyrolyzed char was studied, revealing the presence of synergy and undesirable K deactivation phenomenon in all gasification tests. Mean-while, the effects of calcium-based additive type, adding amount, and loading method on co-gasi-fication reactivity were explored. The results show that calcium-based additives can lead to a lar-ger surface area, a stronger amorphous structure, and more active sites of the co-pyrolyzed char. Moreover, the reaction between Ca and SiO2 can prevent the reaction between partial K and the minerals in coal, thereby increasing the water-soluble K content and co-gasification rate. Among the calcium-based additives studied, Ca(Ac)2 exhibits the best promotion effect on co-gasifica-tion, with an optimal addition of 7.5%. Gasification kinetics analysis illustrates that the addition of Ca(Ac)2 can reduce the activation energy of co-gasification. Besides, S-MRPM (shifted modi-fied random pore model) can satisfactorily predict the gasification behaviors of wheat straw char, Jincheng anthracite char, and co-pyrolyzed char. RPM (random pore model) can aptly describe the co-pyrolyzed char gasification with Ca(Ac)2 addition.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    co-gasification, biomass, alkali metals, calcium-based additives, synergy effect reinforcement

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    丁 亮,阮 云,白 斌,等.生物质/煤共气化协同作用的产生及强化机制[J].煤炭转化,2023,46(6):43-56
  • Citation
    DOI:10.19726/j.cnki.eb-cc.202306005.DING Liang,RUAN Yun,BAI Bin,et al.Generation and reinforcement mechanism of synergy effect of co-gasification of biomass and coal[J].Coal Conversion,2023,46(6):43-56
  • 相关文章

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