• 全部
  • Title

    Research on Transportation Ecology

  • 作者


  • Author

    Fu Zhihuan;Sun Hucheng;Jian Yuxiang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China National Railway Group Co., Ltd.
    China Highway & Transportation Society
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    China is now in a new era of building a great modern socialist country and a great transport country. The transportationindustry is experiencing advancements in the interconnectivity of networks, the digital revolution, the widespread use of new energy,the integration of related projects, and the emergence of intelligent robots. Modern highways are no longer just “bare roads” of thepast, and the highway system is undergoing reshaping through the use of new technologies. The transportation infrastructure networkhas evolved to become a complex interweaving of information, power, and service networks, resulting in a new transportation formand business model. This optimization of road network resources helps to reduce congestion and improve transportation efficiencyand quality, forming a mechanism of increasing returns through “network effects”. Therefore, it is crucial to observe the new situationregarding traffic engineering with a fresh, innovative perspective, learning from naturally ecological model when studying realengineering.This paper employs the ecological thinking approach to re-examine traffic and gain new insights. Viewing traffic engineering as anopen system consisting of various heterogeneous units, it presents a blend of certainty and randomness in terms of its essence andboundaries. Traffic engineering embodies the unity of autonomy and constructivism, as well as self-organization and externalorganization. It is a multidimensional network integration that brings forth unprecedented new functionalities. Traffic engineeringactivities exhibit competition, cooperation, and symbiosis, and the constantly evolving elements facilitate continuous evolution andinteraction. Greater diversity in the transportation network enhances its resilience, while transportation hubs occupy significantecological niches. Additionally, traffic engineering is self-adjusting and possesses self-repair functions. The paper also sheds light onthe hierarchy of engineering ecology, which is analogous to the hierarchical structure of natural lives. Specifically, traffic ecology isexamined at macro, meso, and micro levels. At the macro level, it explores the relationship between traffic engineering and nationalurban planning, climate, economy, policies, laws, regulations, and standards. At the meso-level, it assesses the link between trafficengineering and regions, cross-border traffic engineering integration, and the interaction between traffic and industry. Finally, at themicro-level, it suggests deeper research into the entire life cycle of traffic engineering projects, intensified research on transportationvehicles within the scope of the Internet, greater attention to individual behavior in traffic engineering, and training of cross-borderprofessionals. It is essential to highlight that although engineering ecology is rooted in natural ecology, they significantly differ, withnatural ecosystem representing “natural processes”, while transportation ecosystems reflect human agency’s role. Consequently,compared to natural ecosystems, traffic ecosystems are more innovative, while stability is more dominant in natural ecosystems.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    transportation; engineering ecology; transportation ecology; transportation network; ecological thinking; whole life cycle;cross-border integration

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    傅志寰, 孙虎成, 简宇翔. “交通生态”研究[J]. 工程研究——跨学科视野中的工程, 2023, 15(5): 390-399.
  • Citation
    Fu Z H, Sun H C, Jian Y X. Research on transportation ecology[J]. Journal of Engineering Studies, 2023, 15(5): 390-399.
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