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  • Title

    Building an Engineering Ecology based on Global InformationModeling and Creation of a New Paradigm of Digital Civilization

  • 作者


  • Author

    Xu Zhengzhong;Chan Jian;Wang Na

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Department of Economics, Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C (National Academy of Governance)
    National Academy of Innovation Strategy
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In the rapidly advancing age of digital civilization, the world is witnessing unprecedented shifts in the patterns of humanproduction and living. Propelled and reshaped by burgeoning digital technologies, societal evolution has transitioned from traditionalparadigms, such as single urban building BIM (building information modeling) and urban cluster CIM (city information modeling), tothe holistic and forward-looking paradigm of the global engineering ecology, GIM (global information modeling). This paradigm ismore than just a technological leap; it embodies a comprehensive transformation in the way societies perceive and interact with thebuilt environment.The GIM paradigm is instrumental in identifying and addressing a plethora of emerging needs in diverse domains,ranging from intricate systems and managerial strategies to innovative technologies, evolving cultural norms, and modernstandardizations. By effectively addressing these multifaceted needs, the GIM approach not only optimizes processes but alsocontinually generates additional societal benefits. Its overarching goal is ambitious: to reduce the marginal operating costs of both theeconomy and society to an unprecedented zero, fostering a sustainable and efficient future. GIM’s significance transcends theboundaries of mere engineering advancements. Far from being confined within the realms of engineering innovation, GIM’s ethosintegrates foundational tenets from both engineering management and philosophy. This integration marks a significant milestone inthe evolutionary trajectory of engineering. Amidst the ceaseless waves of digital technology innovations, GIM stands as a testament tothe seamless amalgamation of the digital and physical realms of the economy. This harmonized union promises a societal renaissance,invigorated by unmatched creative fervor. Additionally, the underpinnings of GIM’s engineering ecology, fortified by a synthesis ofengineering expertise and ecological prescience, champion a global platform characterized by unity, efficiency, and collaboration.Serving as a beacon for transcontinental industrial innovation, this platform harnesses a spectrum of cutting-edge technologies,including but not limited to BIM, GIS (geographic information systems), IoT (internet of things), and CIM. GIM’s robust frameworkensuresunwavering support across the vast expanse of system engineering techniques and managerial practices, guaranteeing thatevery facet of the engineering lifecycle is addressed with precision. As global communities grapple with the multifarious challengesand prospects of the digital epoch, the GIM paradigm emerges as a luminous beacon of innovation and hope. Beyond mereenhancement of societal infrastructures, GIM sets its sights on their complete metamorphosis, envisioning a paradigm shift in humancivilization.In summation, this research underscores the quintessential role of the GIM paradigm in our digitally-driven world. Itserves as an urgent entreaty to global stakeholders to fathom its innovative nucleus, the profound policy implications intrinsic to it,and its unparalleled potential to enrich both academic and pragmatic discourses. As we stand on the precipice of a transformative era,GIM is poised to guide the global trajectory towards a future brimming with prosperity, sustainability, and holistic evolution.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    building information modeling; city information modeling; global information modeling; engineering ecology; digitalcivilization

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    许正中, 产健, 王娜. 构建基于全球信息模型的工程生态, 创造数字文明新范式[J]. 工程研究——跨学科视野中的工程, 2023,15(5): 412-423.
  • Citation
    Xu Z Z, Chan J, Wang N. Building an engineering ecology based on global information modeling and creation of a newparadigm of digital civilization[J]. Journal of Engineering Studies, 2023, 15(5): 412-423.
  • 相关专题

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