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  • Title

    Research progress of the separation of carbon and ash in coal gasification fine slag

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Ningning;ZHAO Fuqiang;HAN Rui;LI Zhen;ZHOU Anning;PANG Tian

  • 单位

    西安科技大学 化学与化工学院自然资源部煤炭资源勘查与综合利用重点实验室

  • Organization
    College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Xi′an University of Science and Technology
    Key Laboratory of Coal Resources Exploration and Comprehensive Utilization,Ministry of Natural Resources of China
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Coal gasification technology is widely used as the core technology for clean and efficient utilization of coal. Coal gasification fineslag (CGFS) is a solid waste consisting of ash components such as aluminosilicate and residual carbon produced by coal gasificationprocess. At present, the treatment method of CGFS is mainly to stockpile and landfill, which not only pollutes the environment, but also causes waste of resources. The separation of carbon and ash is the basis for realizing the fractionated and high-value utilization of CGFS, and physical sorting is an important way to realize the separation of carbon and ash. Based on the analysis of the composition andstructural characteristics of CGFS, the current research progress of carbon and ash separation of CGFS was reviewed, the advantagesand main problems of each separation technology were pointed out, and the future development direction of carbon and ash separation ofCGFS was prospected. Specifically, flotation has been most widely studied in carbon-ash separation of gasification fine slag, but there aredrawbacks such as high consumption of chemicals and high cost of new flotation chemicals. The gravity separation method is not effective inseparating fine-grained gasification slag. The electrical separation method is demanding on the water content of gasification slag samples.Dry separation technology has a better effect on the separation of carbon and ash from gasification slag, but it has not been promoted due tothe difficulty of dehydration of gasification slag. The hydrophobic-hydrophilic two-liquid separation method is superior to flotation, but itis costly and potentially hazardous. In the future research on the separation of carbon and ash from gasification slag, it is very important tostrengthen the basic research on the composition and structure of gasification slag, strengthen the research and development of new flotation chemicals and flotation technology, explore the realization path to improve the separation of carbon and ash through the multi-fieldand multi-process coupling, and construct a new type of classification standard for the separation of gasification slag products, so as toprovide reference for the fine classification and high-value utilization of gasification slag.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal gasification fine slag;separation of carbon and ash;carbon removal;carbon recovery;flotation;gravity separation;electric

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    ZHANG Ningning,ZHAO Fuqiang,HAN Rui,et al.Research progress of the separation of carbon and ash in coal gasification fine slag[J].Clean Coal Technology,2023,29(12):11-18.
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