Synergistic mechanism of coupling bearing of backfill-coal pillar under lateral confinement condition
ZHAO Bingchao;WANG Jingbin;ZHANG Qing;ZHAO Yang;WEI Qimeng
西安科技大学 能源学院西安科技大学 西部矿井开采及灾害防治教育部重点实验室
为了解决蹬空开采过程中下伏采空区煤柱的稳定性问题,开展了侧限条件下的充填体−煤柱耦合承载压缩试验,研究不同充填体强度及充实率条件下煤柱的力学特性及其相互作用机理,分析充填体强度和充实率对煤柱的压缩特性、破坏形态、破坏强度和环向应变的影响规律,研究不同高度和强度的充填体内弹性模块上的径向应变特征,并据此建立充填体接顶和不接顶条件下的主动和被动约束分析模型。研究结果表明:充填体高度为90 mm的组合体在煤柱破坏之后的应力应变曲线表现为“阶梯式”变化,充填体高度为70和50 mm的组合体在煤柱破坏之后表现为“断崖式”下降;煤柱的破坏强度随充填体高度和强度的增长呈现非线性增长特性,随煤柱与充填体的单轴抗压强度差的减小而增加,煤柱的破坏形式随充填体强度的增加由剪切破坏逐渐过渡至劈裂破坏,充填体高度的增加可以显著提高煤柱破坏时的完整性和延长充填体包裹破坏后煤柱的承载过程。接顶条件下的充填体在轴向压缩后产生径向扩容为煤柱提供主动侧向约束,同时还要承受煤柱挤压充填体后,充填体为煤柱提供的被动侧向约束,而不接顶条件下的充填体仅为煤柱提供被动侧向约束;基于充填体接顶条件下与煤柱之间的受力分析,得到了充填体接顶条件下为煤柱提供的主动约束应力表达式,解决了充填体内主动和被动约束带来的拉压应变抵消后难以区分的问题,并利用摩尔−库伦准则得到了充填体不接顶条件下的煤柱破坏强度表达式。
To ensure the stability of coal pillar in underlying goaf during the process of mining above mined-out area, the coal pillar-backfill couple bearing compression test under lateral confined conditions was conducted in this paper to study the mechanical characteristics of coal pillar under different backfill strengths and backfilling ratios as well as the interaction mechanism of coal pillar-backfill. In the meantime, the influence law of backfill strength and backfilling ratio on the compression characteristics, failure mode, failure strength and circumferential strain of coal pillar was analyzed, and the radial strain characteristics of elastic modules inside backfill with different heights and strengths were studied. On this basis, the active and passive constraint analysis models under roof and non-roof contact states were established. As can be seen from the research results, after the failure of coal pillar, the stress-strain curve of the combination with 90mm high backfill shows a “cascade” change, while that with 70 mm and 50 mm backfills shows a “sharp” decline, respectively. The failure strength of coal pillar increases non-linearly with the increase of backfill height and strength, and increase with the decrease of the difference between the uniaxial compressive strength of coal pillar and backfill. The failure mode of coal pillar gradually transits from shear failure to splitting one with the increase of backfill strength. The increase of backfill height can significantly improve the integrity of coal pillar upon backfill damage, and lengthen the bearing process of coal pillar when backfill wrap is damaged. Under roof contact state, the backfill produces radial expansion after axial compression to provide active lateral constraint for coal pillar. Meanwhile, it also bears the passive lateral constraint from the backfill which is squeezed by the coal pillar. By contrast, the backfill under non-roof contact state only provides passive lateral constraint for the coal pillar. Based on the stress analysis between the backfill under roof contact state and coal pillar, the equation for the active restraint stress provided for the coal pillar under roof contact state was obtained, which solves the problem that it is difficult to distinguish the tensile strain and the compressive strain caused by the active and passive constraints in the backfill after being offset. Finally, the failure strength equation of coal pillar under the condition of roof free contact was obtained by using the Mohr-Coulomb criterion.
mining above mined-out area;filling mining;lateral confined conditions;backfill-coal pillar;coupling bearing
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会